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3rd person pov
Sammy sat still in the locker room at his collage, gym was not only mandatory, but so boring so Sammy was glad it was his last hour of the day. Sammy sat down on the bench by the long row of cobalt blue lockers. He grabbed his notebook not really wanting to see his room-mate- and bully -Shawn Flynn. Sammy was quite the artist and liked to draw silly pictures of his fantasies which is what he was doing now.
Shawn was looking around their room for any sign of Sammy. Shawn was drunk off his ass, just wanting to see the nerd and look around in that notebook of his, but Shawn found something better. Sammy's diary. 
Sammy sat still as he heard footsteps outside the locker room. Once he heard Shawn's voice he panicked and his in the gym teacher's office, just at the end of the locker room doors. "Sammy!" Shawn shouted into the empty abyss of the locker rooms. "I know your in here." 
"Please leave.." Sammy prayed quietly. Shawn opened the door, Sammy was too afraid to be beaten, or worse locked in here and beaten, so he crawled out and Shawn looked at him. Shawn took in the smaller males features, messy platinum blonde hair, grassy green eyes, porcelain skin, glasses that Shawn hated with every inch of his being, even though he wore a pair of glasses too, and Shawn also noticed Sammy's plaid button up, checkered belt, black jeans, and black shoes. Shawn thought of the possibilities and it made him feel immediately sober. Not like he was really drunk anyway, but he was going to pretend.
"Sammy," Shawn whispered he grabbed Sammy and led him to the showers in the far end of the locker room, where the small boy's moans wouldn't be heard outside. Shawn threw Sammy against the far wall grabbing his wrists and holding them tightly. 
"Shawn! What are you-" The smaller male was cut off by the taste of whiskey on Shawn's tongue which was now exploring his mouth. Sammy shut his eyes and leaned in a bit. Shawn gripped tighter to Sammy's wrists causing him to flinch. Shawn tilted his head allowing for a deeper kiss. Sammy tilted his head a little in the opposite direction. Shawn moved Sammy's hands to his shoulders gripping tight on Sammy's waist. Sammy kept his hands on Shawn's shoulders as Shawn broke the kiss. Shawn looked at Sammy's face grabbing Sammy's glasses and throwing them away. 
"Hey I- I need those," Sammy said, "I can't see no- Mm~" Sammy moaned, wiggling a bit as Shawn began pawing at Sammy's growing erection. Shawn kissed Sammy's neck, before grabbing Sammy's shirt and ripping it open to reveal Sammy's under shirt, Shawn scowled. Sammy moved his hands to be on Shawn's upper back, just at the base of the back of his neck. Shawn nibbled down on Sammy's collar bone, moving Sammy's button up. Sammy let out a needy- but quiet -gasp. 
"Oh~ you like that huh?" Shawn asked teasingly. Sammy bit his lip a bit, setting his head back against the wall before nodding. "Beg." Shawn demanded, he wasn't even looking at Sammy and he was breathing on his neck. 
"P-please..." Sammy begged weakly, Shawn smiled a bit placing a small peck on Sammy's jawline. Sammy felt hot and he really wanted this. "P-please.. I nee- need this.." Sammy begged Shawn smiled rubbing the smaller males side. before licking his neck softly. Sammy couldn't take it anymore.. he needed Shawn. "Shawn.." Sammy said softly, Shawn looked up with his eyes seeing Sammy biting his lower lip a little, Shawn smirked. "Shawn please.. please give it to me... I'm begging you.." Sammy moaned a bit finishing his pleads. 
"Just focus on how this makes you feel." Shawn answered. Shawn tore Sammy's shirt off kissing his chest a bit.
"I- I'm all yours.." Sammy whispered, this sent Shawn off the deep end. Shawn took his shirt off and began to lick Sammy's pecks. Sammy whimpered and writhed around a bit. Shawn roughly took Sammy's belt off and threw it, Sammy heard glass shattering. Sammy felt Shawn pick him up and he squeaked loudly. 
"Shh~" Shawn whispered, "All I want to hear is those moans darling." Shawn said. "Let me hear you." Shawn wrapped Sammy's legs around his waist licking just below Sammy's nipples. Sammy set a his hands on Shawn's biceps, squeezing the muscles softly. 
"Tell me how you feel darling." Shawn said. 
Sammy moaned quietly before answering, "So freaking good-" Sammy moaned cutting him off, Shawn hated it when Sammy intentionally didn't cuss, which the only 'cuss word' Shawn ever heard Sammy say was heck, and Shawn wants Sammy screaming fuck with his eyes crossed. 
"That's not gonna work, fucking tell me Sammy." Shawn paused waiting for Sammy to respond.
Sammy moaned in anticipation, "Just fucking fill me already." Sammy whispered. Shawn smirked he set Sammy down and sat on the small bench in the corner of the showers, pulling Sammy into his lap. He tore Sammy and his shoes off, along with their socks, Shawn looked up at Sammy's face, Shawn cupped Sammy's face in his hands. Sammy's brows were furrowed, his mouth was slightly ajar, his eyes were full of lust and ecstasy. Shawn kissed Sammy, Sammy kissed back as he played with Shawn's belt. Shawn smiled into the kiss ripping Sammy's pants off feeling the underwear, which made his smile fade. Sammy moaned as Shawn began rubbing Sammy's ass through the underwear with his hands. Sammy began working on Shawn's pants and belt, taking them off and breaking the kiss. Sammy slid down onto the ground stroking Shawn's cock softly.
"Put it in your fucking mouth." Shawn said, Sammy leaned in licking the tip softly, pulling away a bit and letting his tongue hang out of his mouth. Shawn saw the long string of saliva connecting from the tip of his cock to the middle of Sammy's tongue. Sammy gently set his mouth on Shawn's cock. He wasn't ready to blow Shawn, this was his first time doing anything. Shawn grew impatient grabbing Sammy's hair and gently pushing his cock in and out. Sammy moaned around the thick cock and adjusted setting his hands on Shawn's wrists. Shawn began thrusting into Sammy's mouth slowly. 
Eventually Shawn felt that was the end of that and pulled out. Shawn took Sammy back into his lap, stroking Sammy's stomach softly. Sammy moaned as he felt Shawn's hands on the brim of his underwear. Shawn slowly pulled them off, revealing the rest of Sammy. Shawn laid Sammy down and licked his fingers. Sammy couldn't really see, but he could kind of make out Shawn's outline. 
Shawn started by circling Sammy's hole with one of his fingers before slowly pumping in and out of Sammy. Sammy gasped and moaned stiffening his shoulders. Shawn added a second finger, picking up pace and began to stroke Sammy's thigh with his other hand. Then after about a minute Shawn added a third and final finger, fingering Sammy quickly. Sammy felt overstimulated, but still good none the less, something was stopping the knot in his stomach from exploding. Sammy's breath hitched as Shawn pulled out his fingers. Shawn began to slowly insert himself into Sammy. Sammy gasped Shawn's name loudly. Shawn picked Sammy up and began thrusting Sammy up and down on his cock. Sammy's moans were breaking and cracking. He's never done this before and it was so painful.
"G-gentle!" Sammy cried. Shawn sat back down on the bench and began thrusting hard up into Sammy. Shawn was being anything but gentle. Sammy's eyes crossed and rolled back a bit as his tongue touched his bottom lip pushing it out a little. Shawn began to stroke Sammy's thighs and cock. Sammy was definitely being way overstimulated now. Sammy's eyes rolled all the way back and Shawn smiled softly.
"ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~" Sammy panted. The knot in Sammy's stomach had started traveling quickly down and Sammy was trying to hold onto it. Eventually he couldn't he had been pushed way too far and his excitement was way, way, way, too high. Sammy came, it shot all over Shawn like a hose. It was now on Shawn's chest, neck, stomach, and legs. Sammy's eyes slowly came back into vison but were still crossed. Eventually, after Shawn released all his hot liquid deep into Sammy, Sammy's eyes slowly uncrossed. 
"How'd that feel blondie?" Shawn asked. Sammy's chest heaved up and down as he breathed heavily. Shawn slowly helped Sammy off his cock.
"We- we should do that- that more often." Sammy panted. Shawn kissed Sammy's head. Now he had to get Sammy back to the dorms. Shawn got them both dressed and carried Sammy back to their dorm. Shawn laid Sammy down on the small bed across from his and went to go lay down in his. Shawn laid down in his bed, seeing Sammy's chest heave as he threw their shoes on the floor, along with their socks. Sammy was definitely asleep now. Shawn rolled onto his back and all he could think about was that moment in the locker room. What a day huh?

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