I Hate To Love You

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Henry pov

Me and Sammy were fighting for the fifth time today. I was yelling about how he needs to loosen up and have fun for once, and he was yelling at me to stop being such a stuck-up jerk, and learn not everything is about fun. I think Joey was tired of it so he stood on one of the tables and screamed, "EVERYONE I HAVE AN ANNOUNCMENT!" Me and Sammy looked up. "Me, Sammy, and Henry are... Throwing a work party this Friday.. Sammy Henry, my office please." Joey said ushering past us.
"Alright so you two are going to build this party together. I am tired of your fighting." Joey said, "And you'll do it after work, because Sammy's right you don't get much work done Henry." Joey stood from his desk and I stopped him.
"Where do you want us to do this?" Henry asked. 
"One of your houses you'll figure it out." Joey said behind us. 
"Your house after work?" Sammy said holding out a hand. "So we can get this over with." Sammy added. I looked into his eyes they were serious in a deep green. I shook his hand and gave him my address.
"See you there after work." I responded. I let go of his hand, and pushed past him. I scoffed at the thought of Sammy in my house but it subsided and I walked to my desk as Sammy walked to his office.
After work I saw Sammy unlocking a bike from the bike rack. "Hey," I said he looked up at me. "You bike to work?" I asked. Sammy nodded silently. "How far away do you live?" Henry asked. 
"5 miles away, but I can't afford a car." Sammy said. I felt kind of bad. He lives five miles from here just like me, but he has to bike and I drive. 
"That must be shitty in winter." I said. "Here," I grabbed his bike and tied it to the back of my car. "The least I can do is bring you to my house." I said. He sighed, he climbed into my car. 
"So where's this party going to be?" I asked. Sammy looked at me he was still drawing out his ruler blueprint
"The break room." Sammy said blankly, he looked back down at his blueprint. I sighed bored.
"You're so boring." Henry said. I closed my eyes and sat back on the couch looking down at Sammy every now and then.
"I know," Sammy said, he sounded so tired. Though we have a rivalry since we were in like 3rd grade. But he wasn't Sammy back then, he was Samantha. I knew everything about him, all down to his favorite color. I hate loving my rival, but maybe this party is my chance to tell him.
"We bringing alcohol?" I asked. I hoped he'd say yes.
"No. Why would we do that?" Sammy asked. 
"Boring," I whispered. 
"I want people to get home safely," Sammy said, he was still so tired sounding. "You can bring your own alcohol if you want, but for the whole party? No, not a good idea." 
I sighed, "You're such a fucking loser." He looked up at me. 
"Are you done being a child?" He asked. 
"Why do you always have to be so serious?" I asked. Sammy remained silent until he had his thing all done up. I was watching something when Sammy yawned and fell asleep on my shoulder. I blushed a bit but just sighed. I laid him down, and covered him up on the couch. He looked so adorable, I sighed and ruffled his hair before I shut the lights off and went upstairs.
In the morning, Sammy woke me up a little before my alarm, he was shaking me so gently I thought I had died and went to heaven. "5 more minutes." I grumbled.
"Henry wake up." Sammy whispered softly. He was calmer so I rolled over and looked at him. I yawned and stretched sitting up.
I quietly asked, "How'd you sleep?" He smiled softly, his eyes were calm.
"You don't have to pretend to care Henry," He said. "Now get dressed, we have work soon." He said, he exited my room. If only he knew I wasn't PRETENDING to care I DO care. I sighed and put my shirt and tie on, putting a jacket on over it. I changed my sweats for jeans, and put my socks and shoes on. When I walked out to Sammy already ready, he looked at me for a second before pushing himself off the wall. He turned to me and pulled my tie in to fix it. "If you're going to wear one, wear it right." Sammy scoffed.
"Yeah, Yeah, how bout we go out tonight to get supplies?" I said. Sammy sighed and smiled. 
"Making moves are we?" He teased.
"No," I lied, I so was but he didn't need to know that.
I teased him a little more today during work, except to everyone, including my surprise, he didn't start and argument. It went like this.
"Hey blondey! Looking mighty regular today, keep up the okay work." I went to walk away. He grabbed my tie, and bookmarked his page. 
"Hey, Henry, I'm glad. I was trying to look just like you today, regular. Now get out of my face." I gulped a bit as he let go of my tie. 
"Jeez blondey.." I said. He sighed and shut his book. He grabbed my tie and dragged me upstairs. I was prepared for anything. I closed my eyes as he slammed me into a wall.
"I have a name Henry," He scowled, his lips were centimeters away, he was so close I wasn't thinking clearly. I shoved him off me, he hit the floor with a thud. I definitely just ruined my chances to confess and not get rejected Friday. "See you in the breakroom." He muttered. 
"Wait," I said, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his feet. "Are you okay?"
"Henry, don't pretend, I'm fine." 
"I am so sorry," I said.
He pushed past me and paused, "You really don't change do you?" He asked. He sighed and walked into the break room. I fell to my knees in tears. Why did I do that? I panicked, I didn't want him to find out I loved him, now how am I supposed to confess?
The day of the party came and throughout the week I got Sammy to not only forgive me but he started laughing at me jokes. Friday came and it was great. Then I looked over to Alice she was acting suspicious. I sighed and shrugged it off, I was in the middle of the crowd talking to Norman, when Sammy came up behind me and hugged me. 
"What is it Sam?" I asked. Sammy grabbed my tie and spun me around. "Samm-" His lips locked with mine my eyes widened. I melted into the kiss as people began to notice and the room went silent. His tongue swirled in my mouth and he tasted like alcohol, which wasn't like Sammy. He pulled away, his eyes were calm. He kept staring at my lips. "Why do you taste like alcohol?" I asked.
"I spiked his drink!" Alice said proudly behind me.
Sammy shook my tie a bit getting my attention before whispering, "Pound me," I blushed a little. 
"Sammy, I love you but we have a work party to finish," I whispered. Sammy pulled my face to his. "Sammy.." I whispered.
"What are they saying!?" Alice said loudly. Everyone shushed her someone said something like be quiet, and we don't know.
"Please..?" Sammy whimpered quietly. I sighed and looked at him.
"Alice what did you spike it with?" I asked.
Alice made a quick reply and someone whispered it to me, great he was super drunk, he was wasted. "Come on, we can cut early, if you two need to be alone," Joey said.
"Or you could take over," Sammy suggested. Joey nodded. "Alright, Joey's in charge! Bye!" Sammy said drunkenly. He dragged me by my wrist to my car. 
I responded quickly, "Sammy, this isn't like you. Why are you doing this?" I asked. Sammy looked at me and pressed himself against my chest.
"I've always loved you, but I was so scared to tell you. I don't want to lose you because I was too afraid to tell you. I want you to love me, but I wanted to make sure you loved me too, and I didn't know how." Sammy answered. I kissed him softly and he kissed me back. I slid my tongue in his mouth and leaned into him and pinned him to the hood of my car. His hands found their way to my face. I pulled away and looked into his green eyes. "I wanna date you so bad." Henry whispered. I smiled and kissed his neck softly. 
"Is that an offer?" I asked, he nodded. I smiled pulling away from his neck. "Let's see what else you like before you make your final decision." I said lustfully. We drove to my house. I lead Sammy in and grabbed him picking him up. I shut and locked the door, he kissed me sweetly and I carried him upstairs. I got him upstairs and pulled away from the kiss, I sat down with him in my lap and he was out like a light I slipped our shoes off and shut the light off, I cuddled up next to him. He was snoring quietly.
In the morning Sammy woke with a headache and I was by his side. I kissed him gently and he leaned back. I pinned him down to the bed with one hand on either side. He gripped my shoulders. I kissed his neck and he arched his upper back and moaned. I whispered into his ear, "Do you want this?" He shivered a bit, as I rubbed his back and stroked his hair gently, I moved my hand in circular motions on his back waiting for a response.
"Oh I want this so bad." Sammy whispered and I kissed him. I began kissing his belly area and he leaned back and moaned. I began rubbing the inside of his thighs. "Oh, Henry.." He muttered. I moved one of my hands to his and placed his hand on my shoulder. 
"Hush love, I adore those beautiful noises you're making, but we haven't gotten to the good part yet. And I wouldn't wanna hurt your singing voice blondey.." I said. He moaned bit through laughter. 
"M-my singing voice?" Sammy laughed. I smiled and took his shirt off, gently caressing his chest. I began unzipping his pants and took his cock out and began rubbing on it. I kissed him softly and he moaned into my mouth, I kept jerking Sammy off and he moaned harder into my mouth before I pulled away and took my shirt off. I unzipped my pants, and I took our pants off. I sat down and Sammy looked up at me. 
"Gotta lubricate it honey, it ain't gonna do it by itself." I said he got on the floor on his knees and licked the tip, he began stroking it and licking up the side. I moaned a bit he was really, really good at this. "G-Good, so fucking good.. have you done this before?" I asked. 
Sammy pulled my cock out of his mouth and looked up at me responding with, "N-no.. have you?"
"Multiple times blondey." I answered. 
Sammy looked up at me with his crystal green eyes. "Can you be gentle please..?" Sammy begged. I smiled softly. 
I answered with, "Of course baby." He smiled and got into a w-sit position. He kept sucking deeply on my cock. Eventually he gagged a bit and pulled off climbing into my lap. I moved his dirty blonde hair out of his face. "Just tell me when you need time to adjust okay?" I checked. He nodded I sat up with him in my lap and lined myself up and began to push into him. 
"W-wait.." He whispered. I grabbed his hips to keep him in place. "O-okay.." I pushed him down a little further until he was whimpering in pain.
"I'm taking it slow I promise.." I whispered. I rolled us over so he was on his back. I pushed in a little deeper and decided half of it was enough. I slowly began to thrust in and out. 
"Mmmm~ Ah~!" Sammy moaned. My hands gripped his hips, he gripped onto my arms. "You're so strong.. Henry.." Sammy said biting his lip. I smiled and leaned into him for a kiss. I began thrusting a little faster which cause Sammy to gasp and whimper out, "Stop Henry right there." I stopped and hit the spot a little.
"Here?" I asked. Sammy moaned an approval and I began to slowly hit his soft spot making him moan and arch his back, his nails digging into my arms. He came really early and I came a minute or two after him.
"You okay?" I asked. He moaned a bit and rolled over cuddling into my chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Why don't I get us some sweatpants and a couple hoodies, and we can cuddle, how's that sound blondey?" I asked. Sammy moved in closer and nodded softly. I sighed and got up and once Sammy was in his hoodie and sweats and I was in mine, I moved in close to him and he had his head on my chest. He drifted of really quickly and I kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair a little as he slept. I drifted off too and eventually we were both snoring, and cuddled close to each other. 

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