✧*:・୨⎯ "03: Who are you? "⎯୧*:・゚✧*

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Lizzy was a brave girl, she was kind and caring but she wasn't loved by her peers, they would either manipulate her innocent heart to doing illegal acts or insult her secretly. Until one rainy day she was crossing the road, a coin dropped in the middle of the road and as she was grabbing it a truck comes and hits her but when people came to check up on her there was no sign of her body but a coin with the word "play" on it, letting her die an unjustified death.

That's how I died in my previous life, I wasn't transmigrated I was reincarnated or I was actually transmigrated as I saw on a image in my mind, this is a second chance to live a life of justice am I going to die now? All I see was pitch darkness, the lights were all out and all that was visible was a room, a open door. With curiosity I drew closer to the door slowly taking it step by step until the door was close to my reach, peaking through I saw a beach it was familiar but I couldn't remember the crystal clear memory of its existence. What stunned me the most was seeing the main characters at the beach with the class saving Lilith who accidentally tripped and fell into the shallow water. What was even more despiteful was a girl, her face was blurry I couldn't even see one expression on her face but that lonely girl was abandoned by her peers so they could save Lilith and to see the male leads desperately running to save her.

She was drowning, but no one noticed her so she died an unnoticed death, with tears running down my face I just can't help but cry for her and hate the novel for ignoring such a character; just as it says, a world controlled by evil will have no light to spare for the innocent.

For a moment as I stood at the door crying the tension in my heart grew stronger, I could feel my heart slowly losing oxygen.

I woke up breathing heavily while holding tight onto Elizabeth's hand with thick tears dipping down my face, as I raised my head I saw Atlas and Charlie staring at me with worry.

"What happened?" I groaned, my head was stinging and the pain in my back grew as I tried to sit up straight, Elizabeth and Charlie who was worried to death quickly helped me up, I could see it in both of their expression.

"You landed head first Mal! We warned you to be careful with your fragile body because of what happened last year!" Atlas lectured me.

"Alright, alright, I'll be careful, geez you're gonna give me a headache if you keep being yapping like that." I replied comforting them to the best of my ability. I turned towards Charlie, "Are you okay?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN AM I OKAY?! Look at you, your hurt." She said tearing up, she was still she same warm and affectionate kid I knew since childhood just except when hanging out with Lilith her personality just faded into the darkness.

"Will you be able to go to school in a few weeks?" Asked Atlas

"Yeah, there's been rumours that you didn't save Lilith from falling but plotted again her with fake blood. I mean- does this blood seem pretty fake to you??" Charlie said concerned.

"What? There's rumours about me? But everyone definitely saw me saving her, plus it was minor damage." I instantly replied, how could this be? Why am I being framed?

☆*:.。. o(To be continued...)o .。.:*☆

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