Chapter 2 - North Pole

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Engaged. To be married.

A fork clatters loudly as Sapphire drops it obviously, out of shock onto her plate, quickly, she stands up out of her chair leaving the dining room, disappearing from view.

"Oh I figured she would react this way," I hear Laura say with a sigh.

I can't bring myself to actually look at her because my eyes are glued on my father trying to figure out whether he is being serious.

In all reality I should have known he was being serious but for some reason I same part of me wishes he was joking.

After realizing the glint I saw but, tried to deny, when Laura threw herself into my father's arm I realized I could not be selfish.

"When is the wedding?" I asked, but more importantly gave my indirect support of their marriage.

My dad let out a breath he had been holding for what seemed like hours probably out of relief.

"Bridget, I know you've only met Sapphire but I think she would rather talk to you than me at the moment, do you mind?" Laura asked with a sad smile.

"Um, sure, where could I find her?" I offer meekly.

"Second floor, Third door on the right," Laura says, directing to me what is probably Sapphire's bed room. Into the lion's den.

Calmly, I take my napkin off my lap and make my way up the stairs I saw Laura earlier descend from. As I count the door I feel more nervous with each step. I knock softly on the door hoping to not anger her more.

"GO AWAY MOM!" I heard Sapphire scream in the room the door led too.

"It's Bridget," I responded towards the door.

I hear shuffling and movement with a few curses thrown in before I see the door swing open revealing a puffy eyed Sapphire.

Quickly, I do the thing I know best and pull her into a hug, she stiffens at first but responds soon, followed by her soft sobs on my shoulder as she is at least a good four inches taller than me, or so.

Sapphire pulls out of the hug and wipe her eyes which on smear her mascara stained cheeks even more.

"How can you be so calm about this? Don't you want your parents to be together still?" She asked, with a sudden harshness in her voice.

"Um, I never knew my mom," I answered her question solemnly.

Her face falters slightly before she quickly re-clenches her jaw.

"Well I have a dad, that loves me! So, you and your father should just leave now. They love each other I know it, we are the perfect family." She goes from a raging attitude to suddenly trying to almost convince herself of something.

Quietly, I back out of the room and proceed to shut the door. It never occurred to me that Sapphire had a dad and that her parents were just divorced.

When I come back downstairs my head is pounding I alert my dad of my headache and he apologizes to Laura before we head back to the hotel room.


After we flew back to California my dad dropped another bomb on me not two weeks later. This bomb had to do with the fact we were moving from San Francisco, to Middle of Nowhere, Minnesota. Not only, the same town as Sapphire and Laura but the same house.

It was currently late august and my dad and I are packing like crazy.

Sure, I finally did freak out a little bit over the news my dad had dropping on me one after another but, after a girly movie marathon and a promise to be best friends always, Ally, of all people, whom is one of the clingiest I know, convinced me to go.

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