Chapter 1

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You groaned, flexing your back against the hard surface. It was uncomfortable, and you futilely shifted to your side. Unsatisfied, you furrowed your brow, mind trudging through a sleepy haze, and you finally willed your eyes open to give your bed a piece of your mind.

When you saw it was not your bedroom ceiling, but lush green trees reaching for the clear skies, you almost had a heart attack. You were awake immediately, shooting up into a sitting position, and your eyes rapidly flickered to your surroundings, seeing nothing but green in your moment of panic.

Your pupils landed on a blue alien sleeping next to you on the ground, and it's suffice to say your stomach plummeted.

You know this movie, you watched both movies together with your best friend, curled up in blankets and munching on snacks. It was a cinematic experience. But this just wasn't possible. You were dreaming. You closed your eyes, counting to five and opening them again. Nope, still green and there was still a blue alien beside you.

You reached to pinch yourself, and you really shouldn't have because you then noticed your blue fingers. They were normal, complete with nails, skin-like texture and you would have paid it no mind if it was not coloured a shade of blue.

You almost screamed.

Hands flying to your face, you touched around, feeling your inhuman features and pointy ears, which seem to have a mind of its own. A light laugh escaped your lips, and not because you were happy, no, it was because this was so surreal you didn't know what else to do.

You surveyed your body, long and lean, stripes decorating every inch with white dots akin to constellations sprayed randomly across your skin, almost like a child had dipped a brush in white paint and flicked it at you. You were suddenly very aware of your tail swishing back and forth behind you, and it felt natural to keep it flicking, so you let it be.

This was too vivid to be a dream. Did you go insane?

At that moment, the figure next to you stirred, and you were immediately alert. Shifting around, you stayed cautious, eyeing the individual with rapt attention. You felt the urge to run, but there was no saying you would survive a day in the forest so it was best to see if this was a friend or foe.

They blinked, still laying on their back, face tilted towards the sky. They didn't seem to have noticed you yet as shock, panic and confusion flashed through their eyes. They blinked slowly, and didn't move a muscle, body tense.

Gingerly moving their fingers, they almost seemed afraid as they patted the ground next to them, fingers thudding against the solid forest floor. A mix of apprehension and disbelief. You watched, slowly starting to get more amused as their eyes flickered closed, and lips formed numbers, counting to five before opening their eyes again. Upon seeing the same scenery, they shot up, only to immediately lock eyes with you.

They stared, and you stared back.

The reason was not because you were enraptured by their beauty or whatnot, no, it was because they were so familiar. From the way their eyebrows dipped, to the shine in their eyes and the slope of the nose aligning with their mouth. They were too familiar. You knew them.

The other furrowed their brow, squinting at you in a way that you knew all too well.


Her eyes widened, and you only caught a glimpse of the underlying happiness before she threw her body at you.

"Y/n! Oh my god!"

Your body relaxed immediately, and you embraced her with the same vigour. You relished in her body heat and familiarity, before pulling away.

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