Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Noelle Nightshade

I silently glare up at the three guys around me. I growl at the man with forest green eyes and mud brown hair as he once more searches me for weapons. "Take your filthy hands off of me before I rip them off your body. Do you want that? I can see you're pretty attached to them." I threaten which doesn't do much seeing as my hands are tied behind my back and I'm on my knees. They laugh at the threat which I currently cannot execute. 'Stupid guys.' I look around to find some way of getting to my weapons. "Don't bother kid. You can't get out of this." I growl at Blue-Eyes when he calls me a kid. "Aw, is the kid angry?" Hazel-Eyes mocks. I just glare at them. A sudden snap to our left has us all turning in that direction. "Uh-oh." I whisper, my voice trembles as my eyes widen in fear. Standing in front of us, a few metres away is a wild wolf. The wolf growls at the three guys in front of me making them draw their weapons. I pout. "How come you didn't use weapons on me?" I ask unhappily. They turn to me with incredulous looks on their faces. "Really? You're starting this now?" Green-Eyes whisper-yells. I glare moodily at his back. "Can you untie me then?" I ask. "No!" They hiss at me in unison. The wolf growls and with a roar charges the guys. They charge but the wolf simply leaps over their heads and pins me to the ground with his huge paw. I stare up at the mighty beast, into his luminescent golden eyes.

Fear grabs ahold of me but I keep my face blank and stare the beautiful wolf right in the eye. The wolf rears his head back and opens his jaws but before he can bite my head off, an arrow sprouts from his hind leg. He roars in protest and charges Blue-Eyes. Blue-Eyes takes off running with Hazel-Eyes close behind. Green-Eyes runs over to me, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. With my bound hands, I pound on his back trying to get him to put me down and cut me loose so I can help. "Cut these ropes off right now! I can help." I reason. He takes cover behind a tree and leans me against said tree. "You can help by staying here and letting us take care of it. Okay? We can't have an innocent caught in the crossfire." He orders me and turns to leave but I grab ahold of his shirt. "Be careful." I tell him sincerely. He nods with a half-smile and runs to his friends' aid. I stare down at the dagger in my hands and smirk. "Like hell I'm gonna let those idiots take on that wolf by themselves. They might kill him." I mutter as I cut through the ropes that bind my hands. I hiss in pain when I accidentally cut my wrist. I purse my lips and ignore the pain. As soon as it's done I move on to my legs. "Yes!" I cry out, victorious when the ropes snap. I quickly get up and with the dagger still in hand, run to my weapons. I grab my bow and my quiver before selecting an arrow and taking aim.

Whoosh. The arrow whizzes past and finds its target. I shoot two more arrows and with a pain-filled cry, the wolf falls to the ground. I pick up all my weapons and Green-Eyes' dagger and run towards the fallen animal. The guys pin the wolf down and bind his legs and snout before they turn to me. I raise an eyebrow at them. "Nice aim." Hazel-Eyes whistles. I smile then wipe it off when I hear the wolf's whimper. I kneel at his side and stroke his snout. "Hey boy. I'm so sorry I had to do that... Does it hurt?" I ask in a soft tone. He whimpers and my heart breaks. "Here, let me." Green-Eyes gently pushes me aside and places his hand on the wolf. The wolf whimpers once more. My eyes widen and my jaw drops. The wound is healed. "How did you do that?" I ask my eyes wide with wonder. He tenses before turning away. "It doesn't matter." He answers. I open my mouth to argue but the other two shake their heads at me. "So, what are your names? I'm Noelle." I say instead. "Hi Noelle, I'm Kyle Jameson. That's William Anderson and Richard Dewvale." So Blue-Eyes is Kyle, Hazel-Eyes is William and Green-Eyes is Richard. "Nice to meet you all." I say. "Pleasure is ours. And, Noelle? Is your wrist bleeding?" Kyle questions. Richard turns around and walks over to me. "Kyle, Will, take the wolf deeper into the forest and set him free. Make sure he won't find his way out again. I'll heal her." He says. They nod and do what he asked.

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