Episode seventeen

164 4 0

< 16th of September, 2010 >

"Narcissists burn your sanity, erode your self-esteem, and make you doubt your own judgments and perception." - Invajy


Emily pov

The stars are almost clear on the sky as we move over the plain of grass towards the bunker by the Ridgeway Boulevard. We've tried to make as little sound as possible, but ambulances are on their ways. It's us and SWAT. But what i don't like is her being in the field. It's not the same as being out on the scene or in interrogations. We even got split up, she's going with Morgan while i'm going with JJ. I just hope that Hotch knows what he's doing.

And there is this second that feels like an hour, where Y/n takes my hand in hers before going down. She meet my gaze as she squeezes it. To ensure me that everything is going to be alright. But i can't help but notice that the uncertainty her eyes that's been there, it's gone. Like poof, without a trace. A certainty about something has replaced it. But now is neither the time or place to ask about it.

SWAT will go first and we'll follow suit, all of us weaning vests. The leader gestures to go and they break down the door. An alarm blares and the lights turn to blinking red. They had thought of it, if someone can knocking down their door.

"Drop the gun" someone shouts towards a large man. And he must have a brain and not just muscle because with the five guns pointed towards him, he does as he's told. The four of us and three SWAT members continue down the corridor, splitting up a little more once we reach the end of the corridor. Hearing wimpers from one of the corners, behind a table.

"It's okay, it's okay. FBI, you're okay" Both JJ and Y/n carefully go up to the girls who are crawled up towards the wall in tears. "We're going to get you out of here and home, okay" JJ continues as Y/n searches amongst their faces, not finding the one she's looking for.

"She's not here" i say, to get her back into the room from all possibilities going through her head.

"Where did the woman go?" JJ gently asks one of the girls, Crystal Bake. The latest girl, before Beth.

She points down the hall that reaches further down under ground. I never liked being under ground. "She took Beth with her"

"Is she alright?" Y/n asks Crystal who nods and relief washes over her face, over her whole body. "Get the girls up, me and Morgan will take go after Sophia"

"But..." i start to protest but her pleading gaze makes me shut up. The other SWAT agents have already filtered out throughout the bunker, leaving us to search ourselves. "Be careful"

"Promise, just get them out" and all i want is to kiss her before we part ways, but we can't. She and Morgan start to go down the hall whilst we try to get everyone to follow us up. Penelope and a few officers are calling around to the all family members looking for them, telling them to come to New Orleans. But that there is no answer to if they are alive and well until we'd get them out. But the girls who didn't, that we already know of, have been notified.

I want to follow down the hall but some of the girls are hurt and needs help. So that is what i do.


Y/n pov

There was nothing i'd want more than to kiss her, but i couldn't. But as me and Morgan continue down the hall, deeper into the ground i get the feeling of being buried alive. So with one hand on my necklace and the other on the gun, i make my way forward.

He gestures for me to take the left and he right, so we split up over the room. We're barely able to see each other. I have to admit, to not let my mind panic, this shit is impressive. And should i perhaps mention that i'm claustrophobic. And i have found a new fear, taphephobia. The fear of being buried alive. I have no idea of how i knew what it was called but i know.

"Y/n/n" i hear a soft whimper. Beth. The only person to ever give me nickname. And to get through my tunnel vision, i take a deep breath and focus on the voice. "Y/n/n" i'm getting closer but it feels like i'm only getting further away.

That is until i come up into a room, seeing Morgan come in on the other side, and in the third corner of the circle room are they. Two women, one young and one a little older. Sophia. Just like her picture when she was little. The same murderess and cold gaze as the picture taken a week after she burned up their parents.

"Sophia, drop the gun" Morgan says before i even can react to her holding one. Pointed to Beth.

"No, this is what'll happen Y/n Bailey. This is the price you'll pay for murdering my sister" her voice doesn't match her appearance. I mean, if she added a bedroom-chamber tone, it could. But it's too cold, too calculating.

"Drop the gun and we can settle this, she doesn't need to get hurt" i try to negotiate. Try to make her switch our places. Morgan could easily shot her through my shoulder or something, but through Beth. No way in hell i'd ever let that happen. Even if she would be glad to show the scar of to people at school. I decided a long time ago that i'm the only one in our family that shall ever wear a bulletwound. And i don't think anyone is really arguing against me on that.

"You killed my sister"

"I know, i killed her." and there i get it. The reason why they only take girls, why it now seems like she actually cares a lot about her sister. She doesn't like men or boys, does not trust them. Only girls who could have a possibility to actually understand her. I promise that if Penelope looks through these girls, then we'd find at least one sexual assault charge against someone in their vicinity. They don't target random girls, they know. She can see it in their eyes. That's how she chooses them. "You think you are saving them, but you're really not. This is not the way to get over something like that" Morgan is not following my trail of thoughts.

"What are you talking about?" Sophia tries to play it off, but her smirk falters.

"Just because no one did anything when your foster dad sexually assaulted you, doesn't mean it was the same for everyone else." the hand around her gun loses a bit of it's grip. "I know it, because i helped Beth with those charges and we nailed his ass to the wall. A few years in jail and a whole ass fine came her way."

"Well, i've changed"

"I know, after i killed your sister you started searching for someone to replace her and you just continued"

"Say that again, i dare you"

"Two years ago, i shot Stella Harrison" her gun changes direction towards me, but i'm already ready. Firing right beside her head, causing her to bend down and let Beth go to fall on the floor.

But before me and Morgan can react ourselves, she's recovered and aims her gun once more my way. Morgan instantly pulls Beth out of harms way as i pull up and fire.

Bang, bang

For a second i see stars and then i feel the red hot liquid...


"Speak the truth, and all things alive or brute are vouchers, and the very roots of the grass underground there, do seem to stir and move to bear you witness." - Sebastian Waldo Emerson

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