Chapter Twenty-Two

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As the Christmas holiday approached, he began to miss Jayce even more. He didn't know what it was like to have a proper Christmas with other people, so he didn't know what he was missing when it came to the holiday, but he had always wished he wasn't alone for it. Having Jayce with him for Thanksgiving had meant a lot to him. He tried not to let himself think about what it would be like to have Jayce with him on Christmas morning. It wouldn't do any good to wish for something he knew wasn't going to happen. Jayce was going to spend Christmas with his parents and his brother's family, and he was going to be alone.

The one thing he did have to look forward to was a gift from Jayce. A couple days ago, Jayce had texted asking him if he would be home in the days leading up to Christmas because he was sending a Christmas gift and wanted to make sure Dylan would get it. He didn't know why Jayce had bothered to ask if he'd be home. If he couldn't go to his cabin in the mountains, there was nowhere else he would be.

He wanted to get Jayce a gift in return, but even if he did manage to find something Jayce would like, it was too late to get it sent to him. Jayce would be flying out to his family anyway, so Dylan decided his gift to Jayce would be driving out to Seattle after Christmas. The idea unnerved him, but he wanted to show Jayce that he was willing to put effort into their friendship.

His phone chimed, and he reached for it eagerly. Texts and calls from Jayce had become the best parts of his day. "Hey Dylan! Your Christmas present just got delivered, so check outside your front door. I don't want it to get snowed on."

He stepped out of the kitchen and walked over to open his door, expecting to see a small package sitting on the doorstep. He wasn't prepared for the sight that met his eyes. Jayce was standing there, a big smile on his face and a large red bow pinned to his coat.

To say Dylan was stunned was an understatement. "What are you doing here?" he managed to ask, wanting to smile but afraid this was too good to be true.

"I'm here to spend Christmas with you, if that's okay."

He stepped forward and pulled Jayce into a hug, still unable to believe this was happening. "But weren't you going to your brother's house?" he asked, his voice slightly muffled by Jayce's hair.

"I'd rather spend the holiday with you. I can see my family another year."

He released Jayce from the tight hug but kept one hand on Jayce's hip. He couldn't find the words to tell Jayce how much this meant to him. Instead, he leaned down and kissed Jayce. Jayce made a small, happy noise and moved closer, resting both of his hands on Dylan's chest as he kissed back.

"I missed you," Jayce murmured against his lips.

"I missed you too," he replied, before stepping back. "Come inside so you don't get cold standing out here." It was then that he noticed several pieces of luggage behind Jayce. "What's all that?"

"Some of it's my clothes and a few things I need, but I also brought Christmas presents for you."

It seemed like a lot of stuff, but he didn't ask any more questions. He brought the luggage in and found Jayce staring at his living room, a confused expression on his face.

"Dylan, where is your Christmas tree?" Jayce asked, his eyebrows raised.

Dylan shrugged. "I've never had one. I didn't see the point, and there are trees outside."

"You need one so I can put your presents under it. Is there somewhere in town that's still selling trees?"

"No need. Most people get a permit from the Forest Service to cut down their own tree. We have plenty," he said, gesturing outside.

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