Chapter One

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter One: Forks, Washington.

Yelena Dwyer was leaning against her dad's car with an annoyed look. She was being forced to move with Bella Swan her stepsister, to Forks, Washington aka the rainest place on earth according to some of the research she had done on the town, to live with Bella's dad, Charlie, because Phil and Renée wanted to go on the road and have some alone time. 

Phil walked over to his daughter while Renée was talking to Bella. "Don't give me that face, Lena." She crossed her arms over her chest and continued giving him the same look.

"Why do I have to go and live with a complete stranger? When I can just go and stay with mom... problem solved."

"Lena, you promised you would give Bella a chance. That is why you are going with her to stay with Charlie."

Lena rolled her eyes "that's the thing, dad, I have given her every chance since they moved in with us, before you and it got married, and she continues to be a grade-a bitch to me every single time." Phil sighed and Lena can be just a little petty sometimes (this was one of those times), so just to add a little salt in the wound since he was making her do this, "oh and Mom is winning right now." You see the thing about Phil Dwyer and Kassia Athanasiou is that since they were never married, they shared custody of Yelena but she mainly lived with Phil, they often competed with each other on who was the 'favorite' parent. "she's flying me out to stay with her in Italy over the summer."

Phil just ruffled her hair with a slight smirk, he had a little something up his sleeve to make up for this since he knew that Lena didn't really want to do this but she was doing it for him, "oh yeah, we will see if your mother is still winning once you get to Forks, because of what I bought you, I just got the confirmation that it arrived at Charlie's house, this morning."

"Okay, sure dad I guess we will see when I get there then." even though she was annoyed about having to spend more time than she would like with her plainly dull stepsister, she was curious to see what her dad had got her.

"Come here kiddo." Phil opened his arms and motioned her towards him. Yelena walked forward and her dad pulled her into a hug, "you know I love you Lena, and I appreciate the effort that you are putting forward here, I really do." he kissed her on the head.

Lena sighed and nodded at him "I love you too Dad, I don't like either of them, but I want you to be happy, and clearly, that thing that you married makes you happy." Phil snorted knowing that was the nicest thing that Lena was going to say about her new stepmother and he wasn't going to force her to be nicer to Renée.

Phil finished loading the car with the rest of their bags, and the four of them loaded in and then Phil started driving to the airport, Lena sighed and slipped her earbuds in, and started playing her music as she closed her eyes. But there was a feeling she had deep down that this was going to be more interesting than she originally thought it would be.

It took about two hours for them to get to the airport and once they were there, Lena said goodbye to her father and that she would call him later and Bella said goodbye to her mother and awkwardly said goodbye to Phil.

Before they knew it their flight was being called and the two teenagers boarded the plane and Bella glared at Lena as they took their seats. Bella was annoyed as well that her oh-so 'perfect' stepsister was coming with her.

Lena just rolled her eyes and ignored the brunette slipping her earbuds in once again as the plane took off. Lena wasn't going to engage with Bella unless she absolutely had to.

Seeing that she was being ignored infuriated Bella even more like Lena barely even glanced her way.

After a long flight, they finally touched down at the airport in Seattle where Charlie was going to be picking them up. Lena exited the plane ahead of Bella and grabbed her bags, looking around the airport she saw a man holding a sign with her and Bella's names on it so she figured that must be Charlie.

The blonde approached him with a smile "Charlie Swan?" she had never seen what the man looked like.

He nodded at her an awkward look on his face "you're Yelena then?"

"I am, it's nice to meet you, and thank you for agreeing to let me stay with you."

"You too and it was no trouble at all." that was when Bella walked up to them and after an awkward exchange between the father and daughter, Charlie lead them out to his police cruiser.

While Charlie was in front of them Bella, glared at Lena again and whisper yelled "why didn't you help me get our bags?"

Lena rolled her eyes, giving the brunette an 'are you serious' look "I got my own bags, Bella, you are capable of carrying your three bags on your own." Bella just glared harder at her as Yelena walked a little bit faster and fell into step next to Charlie, she would rather walk next to him than Bella.

"I talked to your father Yelena, and he had some of your things sent ahead of time, I'm sure you are aware of that, but where the house only had two bedrooms, I had the attic renovated a little bit and turned into a bedroom for you."

The blonde smiled at Charlie, "yeah dad, said he was going to talk to you about sending a few things ahead and thank you, for doing that for me." She may not have wanted to come in the first place but here she, was and Lena wasn't going to take the man's kindness for granted. Because he didn't have to do any of this for her, he didn't have to agree to let her stay with them but he did.

The trio arrived at the car and Lena helped Charlie put her bags, while Bella just climbed into the car letting Charlie put her bags in the trunk. Lena climbed into the back seat since Bella was already in the passenger seat.

Charlie tried to make small talk with Bella but she just gave him short and one-word answers before she put her earbuds in bringing that conversation to a close.

Charlie looked back at Yelena, "your father also had something else send to the house for you it arrived this morning."

Lena nodded "yeah he told me about that before we left Arizona, but didn't tell me what it was because he wanted it to be a surprise, just said that I would love it."

Charlie nodded at her in return, he had spoken to Phil, and he had said that it had been something that Lena had been wanting for a while now. "Well if your father thinks it's something you will love I'm sure you will."

After that silence filled the car but it was a comfortable silence, so Lena pulled out the book that she packed into her backpack, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban it was her favorite Harry Potter book, and picked it up where she had left off, to pass the time.

A little while later the car came to a stop in front of a white two-story house, Lena put her book away and Bella shoved her headphones and iPod into her pocket as they got out of the car. "So I cleaned off some shelves in the bathroom for you girls."

Lena nodded in response while Bella rolled her eyes "right only one bathroom." The trio grabbed the bags from the trunk Lena had her bags while Bella had one of hers and Charlie had the other two.

Charlie showed Bella her room, and Lena waited out in the hallway, to be shown her new room. A few minutes later Charlie walked out of Bella's room "all right then Yelena, your room is next." he lead her down the hall to a door that opened leading to a flight of stairs. Lena followed Charlie up the stairs, "so the attic was mostly just used for storage before but it's very spacious, and right now it's just got the basics a bed, a little closet, a desk, a dresser, a small bookshelf, and some bedside tables, I wasn't sure what you would like so, you can redecorate it, to your liking. Though your stuff that was sent ahead the boxes are just sat in the corner over there." he pointed to the place as they came to the top of the stairs stepping into the attic.

Lena smiled at him "thank you again Charlie for everything... I will unpack everything and then see what kind of vibe I want for the room."

Charlie nodded at her "you're welcome, I will leave you to get settled and unpack." Lena nodded back at him and then he left her to her own devices.

Here is the first chapter :D I hope you guys enjoy it, this book is going to be so much fun to write.

Lmao by the end of the first movie Charlie'll be wishing Lena was his daughter instead of Bella XD.

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