Chapter Nine

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Nine: First Sight of the Bonds

Alice had skipped into Carlisle's office after he had gotten home that night to mention what Yelena had told her.

The blonde Doctor looked up "what is it, Alice?"

She smiled at him, "so I was talking to Yelena, one of the new girls and she mentioned that you had met her mother and I told her that I would bring it up to you."

"And who is her mother?" The Cullen patriarch asked.

"Kassia Athanasiou."

He thought for a moment before nodding "ahhh yes I remember her... it was the early 90s. Though I've met several people from that family over my lifetime, they're very good allies to have, and they have sway in the supernatural world... The Volturi even respect them."

Alice looked surprised since she had never heard of them before, "well Yelena said that her mother said to tell you hello."

Carlisle smiled at the pixie-like vampire, "well you can relay the message back to Yelena to tell her mother that I also said hello." Alice nodded and then walked out of the office, she would tell Yelena what Carlisle said when she saw her on Monday.


Over the course of the two weeks that, Lena had been in Forks, she had grown closer, to her three friends, the four were best friends now and she had grown closer with Alice and Rosalie as well, knowing that her mom knew Carlisle made her feel better about befriending the two vampires, She had grown closer to Emmett and Jasper as well. Edward well he had been gone all week, they hadn't seen him at all since their first day of school. Lena didn't mind that much she didn't particularly like the bronze-haired vampire.

Lena and Bella had just walked out of the house, Isabella had been getting up earlier to get to school and try and catch a glimpse of Edward to try and make her move, Charlie just pulled Bella's truck back in the driveway, Lena snorted as Bella slipped on the ice and fell on her ass.

Charlie was quick to help her up, "you okay Bells?"

"Yeah, ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated."

Lena bit her lip to keep from full-out laughing at the brunette as she made her way to her car she heard Charlie telling Bella that he had the tires replaced on her truck. She climbed into her car, started the engine, and was headed to pick Lauren and Jessica up, she had asked Angela as well, but the girl had something to do after school, so she said she would drive herself.

The Legacy of Aphrodite picked Lauren up first, the other blonde climbed into the car. "Hey, Lena."

Lena smiled "Hi Lauren." and then pulled out of her driveway and headed to pick Jess up. The two blondes made small talk with the radio playing softly in the background as Lena pulled into Jess' driveway and honked the horn once.

Jess came out a minute later and climbed into the car, "Hey girls."

"Hi Jess." both blondes said at the same time.

The brunette leaned up between the seats, "so do you think that Edward Cullen will be back today? I mean he's been gone all week."

Lauren shrugged, "don't know Jess, guess we will just have to wait and see."

Lena shrugged as well, "don't know, don't really care either, like Lauren said we will just have to wait and see." Both other girls chuckled at Lena's reply.

Lena parked her car into the space that she's been using since her first day and surprise, surprise all the Cullen's cars were there except Edwards, "well Jess looks like he's a no-show again today."

The brunette pouted slightly. "Well, there goes my gossip topic for the day, unless he shows up later."

Lena laughed, "Jess, you'll find something to gossip about, it's literally what you do, you are the gossip queen around here."

Jess nodded at her "okay, Lena point taken." and the three of them walked into the school. Headed to their lockers and then they went their separate ways, and Lauren and Lena, met up with Angela outside of the History classroom.


Meanwhile across the world, a man with shoulder-length dark brown almost black hair sat on his throne, looking bored and miserable as always when they held trials... the man's name was Marcus Volturi and he was slightly startled when out of nowhere he saw six new bonds form, one golden one that signified a mate, and a dark purple one that signified a parental bond, going from himself out into the distance but he couldn't see where they led to.

The third was another mate bond leading from Felix out into the distance, he also couldn't see where it led to. The next one was a mate bond from Demitri and same as the others he couldn't see where it led and last was a mate bond from each of the witch twins and again same as the others he didn't know where it led to.

But he kept his features schooled and didn't let on that anything had happened. He would show it to Aro later after the trials were complete.

Later the two were alone in the Library while Caius was in his art studio. Marcus offered Aro his hand, to show him what had occurred during the trials. Aro took his brother's hand and eagerly read the man's thoughts.

Aro let out a laugh, "oh my brother, it seems things are going to get interesting around here soon then, and you get a second chance mate, which is so rare, but if anyone deserves it, it would be you, my dear brother."

"I thought it was just a myth to get a second chance mate, but it seems to be very real."

"Ahh yes, we all thought it to just be a myth."


A little bit shorter than normal, I was going to do the whole school day but then decided that I really wanted to add in the scene with Marcus seeing the bonds for the first time and then his conversation with Aro at the end.

The next chapter will be the rest of the school day from this chapter and the accident and who knows I might change a few things up in that chap, guess we will have to wait and see :D. (Hopefully, the next chapter is going to be a long one.)

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter (:

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