Chapter Fifteen

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Fifteen: Phase Two of the Plan.

Lena made dinner like she said she was going to, after she was finished Charlie told Bella that dinner was ready but she refused to come out of her room, grumbling about how Lena ruined everything. Though Charlie didn't hear that part as he walked away when she said she wouldn't come downstairs.

Lena smirked to herself watching her dad and Charlie interact and just get to know each other better, after dinner was over the three of them sat in the living watching a baseball game, Charlie was surprised to find out that Lena liked baseball since Bella never showed an interest in watching the sport with him.

After that Lena practically dragged her father up to see her room, she wanted a little bit of privacy to start her plan to get him to leave Renee. He looked around the room as they entered, "Wow seems your mother outdid herself as always."

Lena laughed, "Yeah, but it turned out great and Uncle Wes helped put everything together."

Phil nodded at his daughter, "Yeah Wes did mention that the last time I spoke with him."

Lena grinned before giving him a serious look, "Now Dad, we need to have a serious talk, I wanted to wait until it was just you and me before I mentioned it."

Phil sat down on the couch while Lena settled into her favorite seat, the little swinging chair. Phil asked Lena what was on her mind. "What is it, sweetheart?"

Lena got straight to the point, "Listen Dad, before you react, just please hear me out, I promise it will be worth it to just listen to what I have to say." Phil nodded at her to continue and continue she did, "I believe that divorcing IT may be the best course of action here. While I cannot provide concrete evidence, I strongly suspect that Isabella is responsible for the damage to my car. Her behavior suggests that she may have picked up some unhealthy ideas from someone close to her. However, Charlie has been consistently kind to us the whole time we have been here. I also have concerns that Renee may have been unfaithful during your marriage, given her daughter's promiscuity.

After his daughter spoke, Phil remained silent for a moment to process her words. Then he sighed, "To be honest, I think you might be correct, sweetheart. Ever since we started traveling with the team, she's been acting differently. Although I don't have any evidence to confirm it, my instincts are telling me that you're right. Your mother always taught me to trust my gut, and I believe that's the best course of action."

"Dad, she's right about that. It's usually accurate."

Phil really considered her words, "I will think about it Lena, I want to know for sure that she's been unfaithful, before taking drastic actions."

Lens nodded at her dad, "That's understandable, Dad I say we pay someone to flirt with her and see if she reciprocates the advances, if she does then boom we have our answer or option two is going undercover slightly and fishing for information from the team, you said she's been acting different around them right?"

Phil nodded, "Okay so we try option two first, and then if that fails option one?"

Lena smirked at her father "Oh yeah Dad, that will be just fine, we will start tomorrow, after I get home from school... we'll need a few things first though, but I'll handle getting that."

Phil looked on with a fond expression as Lena's behavior reminded him of her mother Kassia, who also had a vicious streak when it came to protecting those she cared about. "Okay, then I'll take you to the store to get whatever we'll need when I pick you up from school we're going to spend the afternoon together tomorrow."

Lena grinned "Gotcha dad." Lena walked him down to the door as he was going back to his motel room, for the night, "Goodnight Dad, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

"Night, Love you, sweetheart."

"Love you too dad, I'm glad you decided to come."

Phil affectionately kissed Lena on the forehead and assured her that she was his top priority. Lena beamed with a smile and embraced her father tightly before he left for his rental car to return to his motel room.

Lena returned to her bedroom feeling happy, with a big smile on her face. Nothing could ever bring her mood down when she saw her dad. He always made her feel better no matter what was bothering her. Lena was truly her daddy's little girl.

The blonde witch did her nighttime routine and then went to bed, feeling happy, but also a little vengeful, she was going to get her father out of this marriage, she knew that it was likely true but they needed to confirm it before Phil would fully believe it and actually start the divorce filing.

The following morning, Lena was awakened by the sound of her alarm. After getting out of bed, she gathered her clothes and headed to the bathroom for a shower. Once finished, Lena got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast. After eating, she cleaned up and went back upstairs to brush her teeth and finish getting ready, as Lauren would be arriving to pick her up in 10 minutes.

Lena walked past Bella in the hallway on her way back to her room. Although Bella glared at her, Lena ignored her and continued on her way. Bella became even angrier when she saw that Lena was in a good mood after she had ruined everything for her the day prior, not that Lena would ever own up to being the source for the rumor, the brunette knew that no one else could have known about any of the stuff that she did in Phoenix if not Lena.

10 minutes later the blonde was ready when Lauren blew the horn to let her know that she was there, Lena smirked as she climbed into the passenger seat of Lauren's car, "phase two is a go, my dad is here and I talked to him about it and he thinks she's cheated on him and knowing how Isabella is... it wouldn't be such a stretch we're gonna prove it before he'll think about divorcing her though, but that happens after school today, he's picking me up and then taking me to get the things we will need for this part and if this fails then I have another plan., I will get dad out of this marriage, no matter what."

Lauren smirked at her fellow blonde, "damn Lena, that's vindictive as hell."

Lena shrugged, still smirking, "yeah, I get that from my mother, she can be vicious when her loved ones are threatened and I take that after her, dad tells me all the time that I am basically my mother's mini me."

Lauren laughed, she had yet to meet Kassia but from everything that Lena has told her she didn't doubt that one bit. "Jess is gonna love this plan." Lena nodded in agreement knowing that it was true.

The two arrived at school and met up with Jess, and Lena told her everything that she had told Lauren in the car on the drive to school, the brunette smirked at the two blondes, as Lena finished telling her the plan. The blonde duo was correct of course, and Jess did in fact love the plan. The trio were now just waiting for Angela, and right on time she walked up to them and greeted her three friends. 

Sorry that this was late but I had such a busy day at work yesterday that I was so tired and didn't have the energy to finish it last night but I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

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