Important (Not a Chapter)

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So here I am, back but not fully, school currently a bitch for the most part and I basically never update but here I am! This is my first story from webnovel but I'm just transferring it here to see how the community is between the two, I already have my thoughts but I want to see it myself

This story isn't finished yet but I'm putting it here as well since I know this story has a definite end unlike my second story

I deleted my stories that I had just abandoned and I don't plan on doing anything with them again but not like it matters

I may actually do more things with wattpad now that I'm back but don't count on it, remembering to even make a chapter normally takes a lot of motivation that I, a 16 year old who has to deal with Chemistry and Algebra in the same semester and who is bad at both, does not normally have

But hey! I'm back if even slightly so enjoy this, please. Later 👋

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