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Accelerator, having fallen through a portal, easily landed on a high point, in the fire zone, multiple buildings were scattered around with flames spread about, looking around he saw no other student in the immediate area, as another portal formed beside him he looked to it to see Kurogiri coming through

"I placed you here away from your classmates I sent here, the explosive one and the red hair, if you wan to use your excuse then get back to the main area, we told none of the thugs about you so you are free to do as you please"

Having said what was needed he got a nod in response as he went back through the portal and went to Tomura's side

'Alright I can take my time with this, won't be a challenge anyway'

Having thought that, Accelerator casually stepped off the roof to land in a pile of dust as he appeared fine after his landing from a decently high spot, the building, being wrecked beforehand for the event, had started to fall after the vibration which let him pass through with no worries of anyone seeing him

Walking as if he were on a leisurely stroll, two thugs who had been hired solely for this occasion had spotted the falling building and came over to see this kid walking as if he and his class weren't in a bad situation

"Hey kid! If you don't stop we'll kill you!"

Accelerator kept walking, his hands in his pockets while he looked at the two with a bored expression as the two started to get slightly nervous

"I'm warning you stop right now!"

Having no response the thug decided to say 'fuck it' and charged at the kid, his hand igniting with.. pitifully weak flames, honestly a 5 year old with the same ability would do better

When he swung at the kid he expected a reaction, what he didn't expect was for his own brain to stop functioning as soon as he touched the kid, he couldn't move, he couldn't look around and in the next second.. pop

The thug exploded into his own blood as the second one saw only the kid's hand where the other was before he yelled and started running

'Demon! Demon child!' He ran for a few seconds before gasping for air and being suspended, he looked to see the ground spiking up as it pierced his lung and kept him in the air

"Really? Thought you could run? Pathetic really but can't blame you, you're too weak to have any thoughts other than running away, oh well" Accelerator lazily walked to the guy as he saw him cough blood

"Well you'll be out of your misery anyway, say hi to your buddy will ya?" He touched his back as he also exploded into blood, he then tapper his foot on the ground as it regained its original form and look as if it wasn't manipulated just seconds before

'Good thing no one will know, the cameras are shutdown and signal isn't going anywhere so when they find this it'll just be blood that they won't be able to trace back to me killing them'

Accelerator kept walking until be heard multiple screams, he looked and saw the main area where Aizawa had just gotten his arm slightly disintegrated as the Nomu swung him around before throwing him towards the students

He manipulated the air and created the four wings on his back before flying over, he saw Shigaraki look at him so he took his attention to the Nomu and swung his hand down in a chopping motion, when he landed the Nomu's arm was completelt cut off, he landed as the Nomu looked at him in mock anger that no one could pick up on

"So another brat wanting to play hero?"

"Sure you could call me that, but I'd rather not that my friends get hurt" Tomura could just see the disdain on his face when he said the word friends as he ordered the Nomu to attack him

The Strongest of Japan: Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now