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Today I figured since Billy is doing so much better we could do something fun and because it's hot outside the public pool is open so I though maybe Billy would like to try and go "billy?" He looked up from his book "yeah?" He questioned "I heard the pool is open would you wanna go?" I asked his eyes lit up "yes!" He exclaimed "okay well we gotta get changed" I said  he popped up and we went up the stairs I went to my room and he went to his 

When I came out I was shocked at Billy's physique he was quite fit he had light abs and I never noticed he had some arm muscle "you ready?" I asked he nodded "okay" I grabbed the bag with towels and some chips in it and we headed out it was a short walk we opened the gate and walked in there wasn't a whole lot of people so that was good I placed down the bag on one of the tables and then I heard a loud splash I turned around to see Billy had jumped in I giggled he was so excited I got in shortly after I waited for Billy to come back up from being under but I didn't see him I was worried until I felt two arms pick me up

I gasped and looked to see billy he giggled and he threw me into the water I screamed and when I came up i looked at him "I'm gonna get you come here!" I exclaimed he swam away quickly and I chased him I climbed on his back "gotcha" I said he turned and tickled me "Billy! Stop!" I laughed

Time skip after swimming

We stayed at the pool for about 5-6 hours and we went home Billy got in the shower and came out getting into bed and passing out I guess swimming tuckered him out I got in the shower and feel asleep with a smile on my face think of the fun I had today with Billy

Billy Knight Where stories live. Discover now