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TW: it gets immediately to murder YEAH 🤓☝️☝️☝️

Hajime's pov:

A phone rings, I answer with a smile on my face. Holding my tongue, uttering out the same words I've known all my adult life.

"Hello! Lumberjack at your service, in the household of Woodmere Co. What do you need?" I wasn't really the only Lumberjack, but since my dad was out, I decided to answer anyway. I knew he'd get pissed, but I seriously didn't care.

A small beat of silence. I was about to hang up the phone, before I heard a panicked shout.

"It's me! Fuyuhiko! God damn it, help me! You're a tough guy, aintcha? Remember me? High-school, I was with you and Kazu-"

"Ohhh yeah, what work did you need?" I cut in, not caring. It's not like I was rude, but my shift was nearly over, and I didn't need some high school ass to find my job and bother me. Especially him.

He was a hothead, and all I remember is having to bend my back repeatedly for him. That was until we broke off, I held a real good grudge against him.

"Bury a body. Is that a job? I hate begging, fuckin shithead."

"If you say pretty please. I'll bend." I smirked, standing up and grabbing my axe, pulling my sleeves up. I wasn't scared, thinking he was just fucking with me. He usually did that with a "You dumbass" face when I fell for it.

"You fucking-" He quipped, before catching himself. "P..pretty please." He grit, I could feel his seething anger.

I twirled my axe with my palm, snatching the car keys and asking the address. He complied, and I was off.


When I was there, I screamed. Throwing up to the side, I stood over an actual DEAD BODY. A rotting one, with three gunshots in the poor old man. He was bleeding out slowly, and Fuyuhiko was freaking out.

Not over the body, but his status.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. God damn it! FUCK! I killed a don's right hand man! If anybody finds out, I'm screwed!"

I held my stomach, feeling it urch at the smell. I gripped my axe, staring up at him. "You were born into the mafia, right?"

"No shit. Hajime, right? We have to hide the body."

After stuffing him in the trunk, the craze settled down in me. I was used to violence growing up, so I wasn't all too phased. But still, the feeling doesn't fade. Now I can be arrested for years just for being beside him! He said it was okay, long as I didn't snitch.

I never did in high school, never should now. I used to smoke with him and I never spoke a word of it to any cop. But now to know that I'm hiding a body... it's rough.

Fuyuhiko and I talked a bit to keep my mind off the body, the blood on our hands. That's when he asked if I had any gasoline. I did, incase my old car broke down. It was only a rusty hand me down, so I kept it with me.

"Perfect." He held up his match, lighting a cigarette for himself, he then grabbed into the carseat, pulling out the gas.



"No, Fuyuhiko- if you burn down the whole building-"

"No evidence. Make it look like a big ol accident. Kay?" He helped me burn the building down, it instantly burning up. That's when we drove away, silent.

I swallowed the bitter feeling on my throat, burning my sensations as the smell of a scolding body wafted behind me. The blonde began to explain the situation.

He was on good terms with the rival mafia, and was invited over for a hangout at the new bar the man bought. He refused, but eventually showed.
They had a heated discussion, which ended in a comment about Peko being his son's daughter. Fuyuhiko snapped, and shot him three times.

I held the wheel, turning to him. "You can just say you met up with me after denying him, then you have an alibi. We were playing cards, and never heard about his bar closing down and him missing." I concluded, parking far into a forest. It was abandoned, and I knew only teenagers with their cameras ran around the trails.

The mafia member bent down, feeling over an old free far, far off. He turned back to me, giving a thumbs up. "Chop him up, ill dig the hole. You got a shovel?"

"In the trunk." I kept a ton of materials from my job.

My stomach felt more uneasy, the earth beneath me making my knees buckle, gripping my shirt. "I- I can't. I'm sorry, I cant-"

"Are you seriously bailing on me!? Hajime, you prick! I'm in deep shit, you son of a bitch! Just help me out, okay?!" He seemed to be nearing a panic attack as well, and I shook my head endlessly. I shakily raised up my hands, sobbing.

"I'll dig the hole. But I can't- I can't cut his arms off!" I was waiting for another gunshot, but a shovel was thrown into my arms. I held it, looking up at him.

"Alright. I'll do it." He muttered, turning back and holding my axe. All I heard were silent chops against the dirt as I shoveled more and more. After a while, I built up a decent hole and it was wide enough. Wiping the sweat from my forehead I heard Fuyuhiko walking towards me. His hands were bloody, and he motioned me to take my shirt off.

"What- why?!" I held my tank top, shouting.

He rolled his eyes, motioning to the back of the car. "Do you want to pick it up individually? It'll be easier."

I allowed it, taking it off and letting him scoop it. Sort of embarrassing to strip at a time like this, but what could I do? Eventually he held the bloodied shirt, tossing it in the hole. It busted open, revealing each body part.

It turned dark after that. I saw stars in the sky after the flash of red blood, deep and red. It was sickening to see the bone, everything. I woke up in my car, as he was shaking and slapping me.

"I dug up the hole, wake up!"

Regaining my senses, I turned over and vomited again. He pat my back, suprisingly being understanding. I held my head, before rubbing my temples and letting out a sigh.

Fuyuhiko let me recover, before giving me an address. It was his own personalized house, and I could rest it off and get a new shirt. And they'd clean my car. It was closed off, only his grandma lived there. She was a retired boss, so she didn't ask questions.

Once I parked, people surrounded, asking who it was. Fuyuhiko poked his head out, and suddenly the tension left. Letting me drive past the fence, I pat my car goodbye and stared up at the night sky.

Handed my new shirt, I was walking into my room. It was golden, beautiful and rich. Of course it was. Fuyuhiko slept there, but allowed me in. I was worried the staff would tell, but Fuyuhiko said they were also apart of it, and would stay quiet no matter what.

"The Mafia's Lumberjack" (A mafia!Komahina au)Where stories live. Discover now