An old crush.

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"Well right now all I see is blood, oh, and more fire!" A girl spoke out behind us, she giggled. The same blush matched Fuyuhiko's, along with freckles, however they were more lighter colored as she blew a bubble of gum.

"Natsumi?! The hell are you doin here?! Is THIS who you called??? It could of been, literally- anybody else!"


We bickered for a while because apperantly it's MY fault that she was invited?!

A dramatic gasp stopped us mid sentence, Natsumi running towards me.

She glomped me, holding on my chest. The close contact instantly made me awkward, staring down at her. "You! Aren't you the guy who was friends with big brother and that pink haired bitch?! They always tried to hook us up, but you were sooo shy!"

"Shy? Him?" Her brother snorted, before being given a middle finger. He gave one back, and walked to her car. It was all black, something you'd see in the movies.

"Me...shy? No...I mean I did have a crush on you...but.." I trailed off, blushing a bit on my huge crush on her. I used to write dumb pretend rock songs to it, then jam out in my room with an air guitar. But only by myself, yet somehow my friends caught on. They used to tease me endlessly, and I'd just pout like an angsty teenager about it.

She started to tease me when we sat down in the limbo, nudging my shoulder. She usually did that when we did hang out, which usually happened during the start of the year. Then, I barely got a second alone. I did try to confess by the end... but... that didn't end so well.

An image of me being surrounded by broken open letters and songs flew across me, and a frank pain went through me remembering it.

Moving on.

"Her leg is busted by a bullet, Fuyuhiko was able to stop the bleeding but the bullet is still in." I explained to the driver, who nodded. The blonde was in the front, quiet.

When we got back, Peko was gone. Natsumi winked goodbye at me, putting her number on my phone. I'm glad she wanted to catch up!

We were alone. It was nighttime. My bed got more comfy the more I slept in it, and it felt like a new home. However the tone of the room didn't match.

At last, Fuyuhiko spoke up. He took his jacket off, "We're gonna Bury another body."

I felt a chill through my body.



"Nagito. We both are going to sneak in and wait for the perfect time when he builds up. I'll kill him with just my fists, that bastard."

When I heard that, my mind flashed back to him laughing and laughing... did he deserve to die? I... don't hate him. Is that what's wrong with me?


"Are you in or not?" He grabbed a black shirt tossing one to me. I held my breath, words stuck in my throat. My fingers fiddled with the black shirt, shaking.

He did shoot Peko....

Why did I feel like I haven't had enough time to really figure him out...yet... he.. he did burn down a house...

He is part of the mafia- so I'm sure there's tons of other deaths. I mean, I also burned down a house! So... I'm sure he's worse, yeah!

I can't keep justifying his actions, no matter how my heart felt inside his words held truth and his actions spoke louder, I found myself remembering Peko's scream, and again remembered who the enemy team was.

Fuyuhiko changed into the shirt, handing me some black gloves and clothing to match, hiding among the shadows. "Wow, how emo of you."

I saw him smirk, grabbing my arm despite his smaller size, he shoved me out. "Let's go. It starts in 20 minutes, let's park nearby, then sneak."

He clearly didn't have much of a plan, but I decided to just focus on the sneaking out part. I used to do it all the time in high school. Albeit, I was wanting to be more adventurous when I was younger, even when it was sneaking through the night.

It would never work, since it was probably guarded all around. So, it'd likely be a waste of time.

But sneaking into a coordination? In a room full of mafiosos who could easily shoot you in a blink? Sure. I'll stomach another, for them.

"The Mafia's Lumberjack" (A mafia!Komahina au)Where stories live. Discover now