Chapter 1.

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I'm nine months pregnant with my baby girl. It's July 23rd 2009 My sweet, sweet girl. I've just turned twenty and I got pregnant off of a boy who left me as soon as I found out, and I'm not stable enough to raise my girl alone.

We decided on adoption. It's the only way I can give her a good life. Keep her safe. I cannot afford to be selfish right now. I adore her more than life itself, and I would die for her. But I need to keep her safe.

Me and my mother are currently setting up a bed for her to stay in until she needs to leave. We've baby proofed the house. They want me to have a day or two with her before we say goodbye. I'm sat on the rocking chair in what would have been her nursery, singing and rocking us both gently, hoping that one day maybe her mother will do this for her too.

I'm, lying on the moon.
My dear, I'll be there soon.
It's a, quiet and starry place.
Times we're, swallowed up in space
We're here, a million miles away.

There's things, I wish, I knew.
There is no thing, i'd keep, from you.
It's a, dark and shiny place.

But with you, my dear, I'm safe, and we're a million miles away.

I sing softly, gently stroking my stomach.

I wonder what she will look like, I hope she has my eyes and nose at least. I wonder what colour hair she'll have.

I wonder where she'll live, she could stay in the states, maybe she could move to Australia or England. I hope she stays close.

I wonder what her mother will be like. I hope she's nice, ties her shoes and reads her bedtime stories. Watches movies with her and cooks her homemade brownies.

I'm currently training and filming for Iron Man two. I don't want my baby growing up in the media, all the rumours and secrecy, i don't want that for her.

I hope she has the life I'm dreaming of her having. I have no doubt she'll be okay. I know she'll be kept safe.

I feel my stomach clench, it'll just be fake labour. Or a fake contraction.

Nope, i am very, very wrong.

'Mom?! Mom come here!' I shout.

I stand up as she's walking into the room, and my water breaks.

'Oh honey it's happening, I'll go get your bag. I'll meet you downstairs.' She rushes out with a smile.

I manage to get to the front door with minimal pain.

'Okay please be nice to mommy, please do not put mommy in too much pain.' I whisper gently to my stomach as it hits me I'm actually giving birth.

Me and my mother rush to hospital, they get me into a bed relatively quickly. Im currently five centimetres dilated. I should hopefully be giving birth naturally, with meds for pain.

They hook me up to machines, IV's and heart monitor.

It's been about four hours, contractions are getting closer and closer together, this is brutal.

'Ten centimetres! Get ready to push scarlett.' My doctor announces, i groan, starting to strain and push... this is very uncomfortable.

I'm holding on to my mothers hand, trying not to squeeze too hard, feeling the sweat drip down my forehead and onto my chest, i gasp and let my body fall into the pillows as i stop.

After a good hour of pushing, I hear a sound. A beautiful, comforting sound.

It's my babies cry.

'Oh thank god.' I whisper as I smile. Tears of joy brim my waterline.

'Here, is your beautiful baby girl. Congratulations.' The Dr says as she hands me my baby.

My sweet sweet baby girl.

'Oh it is so nice to finally meet you!' I coo as I stroke her smooth skin.

'She's perfectly healthy. Once you've named her all we need to do is give her a bath.' The nurse says.

'Oh your name... what can we name you...' I speak softly to the sleeping baby.

'Hannah... Mom what do you think about Hannah Ingrid?' I smile up to her.

'Oh Hannah.' She coos to my sleeping girl.

'Hannah Ingrid Johansson.' I repeat to myself as i grin.

We spend another day in hospital, signing her birth certificate, i had a shower and so did my little girl.

We've dressed her in her own clothes and are preparing to take her home.

My mother is using a wheelchair to take me to the car, I'm holding han in my arms. We've given her so many nicknames. I'm sure there will be more names to come.

It's been three days. The media doesn't know about my baby. I don't want people adopting her for fame. We've kept this, very secret.

'Honey, they have someone for her.' My mother smiles sadly at me from my doorway, the phone pressed to her ear.

'What?' My face drops. I forgot about the adoption.

'I'm so sorry.' She mouths, still talking with the agency.

I later find they're two people called Liliana and Joshua Fern. They can't conceive. They have no other children, a big happy family, no underlying issues. They're perfect. Perfect for my baby. My baby.

I have two more days until they fly from Atlanta to take her home. To her new home.

I lay in bed, her on my chest. Soaking in every moment I can. Singing my lullaby gently to her, rocking her to sleep. I've barely slept myself. We bathe together, i watch her children's shows with her, I've even made those brownies.

Time is flying and I hate it. I don't want to give her up, I didn't want this. I don't want this. But it's all been signed over. It's all done.

Two days later, at exactly twelve o'clock, there's a knock at the door. My mother answers and it's Liliana and Josh. Her new parents.

I greet them with an uncertain smile, looking them up and down.

'Hi! I'm lily, this is josh. And I'm assuming that adorable little baby is our little hannah!' She coos.

'Yeah this is hannah.' I smile politely.

'We'll give you two some time alone whilst i take her parents over her current schedule and gather her things.' My mother says.

It's just me and han alone in the room. My little roo bear, my baby. I sing to her one last time. I sing never grow up by Taylor swift.

'Okay hannah... Be a good girl. Keep yourself safe. Mommas always going to be here. I'll always be thinking of you. You're my little roo bear. I will always hold you close. Always. Mommy's always here. And I am so, so sorry. I'm so sorry beautiful. But I know I will see you again one day. I love you to the moon and saturn. I will always be with you.' I say through tears as I stroke the little birthmark on her baby hands.

'Okay, are you ready scarlett?' My mother asks, giving me a comforting smile.

I stand up. I kiss hannah's cheek one last time before I give her away. I give her to Liliana. She coos as she strokes the girls cheek. My girls cheek.

'Just... look after my girl for me. Please.' I plead quietly.

'We've got her always. We understand this will be hard scarlett, if you would like, we can keep you updated on her growth.' Joshua offers.

'That would be wonderful.' I say as I smile sadly.

'We'll send photos and letters of her each month. Thank you Miss Johansson.' Liliana says gently, rocking the sleeping baby in her arms.

My mother shows them to the door, once I hear the handle click, I just sob. I sob until I pass out from exhaustion.