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Tanjirou's POV;

I took up my stance, my katana held firmly in my hands. Giyuu-San was still near the entrance to the village with Nezuko, guarding it so that no other demons might arrive.

I was fighting in the heart of the village. The demon lunged at me. I braced my muscles. Hinokami Kagura; Setting Sun Transformation!

I backflipped into the air, then twisted and landed a horizontal slash through the demon's neck, effectively decapitating it.

I stood back with a sudden ache in my chest. My lungs burned. I scanned the area, then turned and returned to Giyuu and Nezuko.

Blood trickled from my forehead, where the now-dead demon had struck me. The wound wasn't too bad, but it wasn't good, either. My head throbbed.

" You won? " Giyuu-San's voice was calm, but I could smell his concern. I nodded. " Okay. Let's get back then. We should get there by morning. "

I followed Giyuu-San, holding Nezuko's hand. She blinked up at me, then pressed into my side. I let go of her hand and instead wrapped my arm protectively over her shoulders.

She let out a sort of purring noise and pressed closer to me. I smiled down at her. You're so precious, Nezuko. I'm so glad you're my sister.

By the time the sun was rising above the horizon, we were back at the Corps already. I waved goodbye to Giyuu-San and then headed to the Butterfly Mansion.

Kanao and Aoi were in the garden, and I called out to them. They dropped what they were doing and looked over.

Aoi nodded to Kanao, then ran inside. Kanao came up to me and Nezuko and reached up, gently touching the wound on my head - which I realized was still open and bleeding. I winced.

" How'd you get that..? " Kanao asked, her soft purple eyes bright with concern. I shrugged. " Demon. "

It didn't take but a heartbeat for Inosuke and Zenitsu to race out. " Tanjirou! Nezuko-Chan! " Zenitsu shrieked. Inosuke just ran forward, knocked Kanao out of the way, and jumped on me.

I quickly caught him and wrapped my arms around his waist, unable to control my laughter. It felt good to be back with these two, even if I was only gone for a day.

Inosuke hugged my neck. " Monjirou! You're back! Finally! " Then he leaned back and stared at me. A frown was fixed on his face. " Where'd you get that wound? "

I smiled gently. " A demon. Don't worry, Inosuke. "

He paused. " If any other demon thinks about hurting you, I'll slaughter them! "

I set Inosuke down on the ground, but still hugged his waist. I just rested my head in the crevice between his shoulder and neck.

He paused, then wrapped his arms around my waist, his chin on my head. He began to rock us slowly from side to side.

I smiled, closing my eyes, simply intaking Inosuke's familiar scent. I felt Zenitsu staring and glanced at him. He was smirking at us.

I rolled my eyes, but I felt a warm blush creep onto my face anyway. Then I saw Kochou-San emerge from the house, followed by Aoi.

Inosuke must have sensed her, because he broke apart at the same time I did and we both faced the Insect Pillar.

She had her usual smile on her face, but there was an underlying hint of jealousy in her scent. " Welcome back, Kamado-Kun. How was your mission? "

" Simple. " I answered, blinking at her. Then I pointed at the wound on my head. " Apart from this. "

" Ah, I see. Okay, come in, and I'll treat it. " She turned and walked back in to the mansion, gesturing for me to follow.

So I did. I sat on my bed and waited with Inosuke and Zenitsu and Kanao while Kochou-San went to grab her medicine kit

" So, what sort of demon did you face? " Zenitsu asked after a couple minutes. I turned to him, thinking for a moment. " A regular demon. Strong, but regular otherwise. "

" How many humans did he eat? Could you tell? " Zenitsu's eyes were wide. " About 50 maybe. He said he was going to become a Lowermoon -- something like that.. " I answered.

" 50?! " Zenitsu shrieked. I nodded, then froze as I felt someone grab my hand and rest their head on my shoulder. I looked over and smiled as I realized it was Inosuke.

I moved my hand on his head and rubed his head with my thumb, leaning my head against his as I turned back to Zenitsu. He was grinning stupidly at us. I rolled my eyes but felt the same warm blush spread onto my face as earlier.

Then Kochou-San came back into the room. She grinned at me and Inosuke before setting the kit on the table beside my bed and opened it up. I watched her movements as she doused a cotton pad with rubbing alcohol. I bit my lip as she began cleaning the wound.

" Ow..- " I muttered as she brushed over one of the open claw scars. She was kind about it, but it hurt nonetheless. Inosuke sat up and grabbed my hand. He leaned closer and whispered, " squeeze my hand, don't bite your lip. "

I blinked at him and hesitated before complying. I squeezed his hand tight as Kochou-San continued to clean the scratches. Tears pricked my eyes and I snapped them shut.

I wanted to lean into Inosuke, but I couldn't; I had to let Kochou-San finish treating my wound. Apparently, the scratch was deeper than I realized, because it hurt bad.

Pain throbbed through my head from the wound by the time she finished bandaging it. A few tears dripped down my cheeks as Kochou-San announced that she'd finished. She packed her kit up and left us alone.

Eventually, Zenitsu had pressed against my other side, letting me squeeze his hand, too. Kanao had started massaging my shoulders when she noticed how much pain I was in.

I leaned into Inosuke now, but I could smell Zenitsu and Kanao's concern. Nezuko had left to go join Giyuu-San in giving their report to Oyakata-Sama.

Something about Inosuke's attitude confused me; he was softer, more mellow than usual. I guessed he was concerned, but that isn't exactly like him, either.

Whatever the case, I didn't care. It was nice to be cared for for once. I suppose eventually I blacked out; whether it was because of my exhaustion or the serene air in the room, I still don't know.

word count; 1100

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