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Tanjirou's POV; (yes again, sorry. I'm tryna develop the plot-)

-A month after the encounter with Douma-

I groaned as I sat up, wincing as pain flashed through my body. I glanced around the room, my vision still blurry.

Next to me were Inosuke and Zenitsu. They were asleep next to my bed, while Nezuko was curled up at the foot of the bed, asleep as well.

They stayed with me..? How long have I been out..? I wondered. I didn't have to wonder long, because soon, Aoi walked into the room. She turned to my bed and immediately dropped the tray she was holding.

Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko jolted awake at the sound. " Shinobu-Sama!! " Aoi shrieked. Pure joy radiated off the others in the room. Kochou-San rushed in, followed closely by Kanao.

Inosuke and Zenitsu each hugged one of my arms, and Nezuko wrapped her arms around my neck. I chuckled softly, offering a gentle smile as Kanao rushed toward me, tears in her eyes. Zenitsu sniffled, and Inosuke was grumbling incoherently, but I could tell he was as happy as the others.

" I'm glad you're awake now, Kamado-kun. But you've been out for a month. " Kochou-San approached my bedside and gently shooed my friends away. She let Nezuko stay by my side, while Kanao and Aoi led Inosuke and Zenitsu away.

" Lean forward. I need to check your wound. " Kochou-San instructed. I did as told. " Take your shirt off. I'll be back in a moment. " She told me next.

When she left the room, I unbuttoned my shirt and set it to the side. Nezuko grabbed it and folded it up neatly, setting it at the edge of the bed. Then she returned to my side and grabbed my hand, nuzzling my arm.

Kochou-San came back into the room, a first-aid kit in one hand. She returned to my bedside and I leaned forward, allowing her to look at the wound on my back.

I winced as she ran her hand gingerly over the long scar. " Sorry, is it still painful? " she asked, blinking at me. I waved one hand. " It's not as bad as before. Most of the pain is gone. " I answered. " So it's more of a dull pain now? " She questioned. I nodded.

" Good. It's healing nicely, too. There's no swelling, no redness, and no sign of infection. " She told me. Relief flooded my body. " Though you might want to take it easy, " Kochou-San warned. " You did also shatter your ribs, and though it's down to a simple bruise now, you'll still be extremely sore if you strain your body. "

I nodded. " I'll take it easy for now. I don't want to get hurt so bad I can't fight anymore. " I answered. Kochou-San smiled at me. " Okay, good. I'll let Inosuke and Zenitsu come back in now. " She turned and giggled quietly.

The doors busted open suddenly and Inosuke and Zenitsu jumped onto my bed. Tears were streaming from Zenitsu's face, and Inosuke had his mask off. They both hugged me tightly. I hugged them back, laughing quietly.

" You idiot! What were you thinking, taking on an Uppermoon?! And Uppermoon Two, no less! Are you brain-dead?! Do you have a death wish?! " Zenitsu screeched. " No, I'm sorry for scaring you, Zenitsu. " I replied, laughing softly. " You could've died..! " He sobbed.

" I'm sorry.. " I rubbed Zenitsu's back with one hand, my other arm snaking around Inosuke's waist. Inosuke was clinging to my side, sobbing silently into my shoulder. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, squeezing me gently.

" Please don't ever do anything like that ever again, Tanjirou..! " Zenitsu cried. Inosuke quickly agreed, " yeah! Never again! You got that?! "

I only sighed. They both looked at me with sad eyes. " I'm sorry, " I began, " but I can't make a promise I can't keep. I swore the day I became a Demon Hunter that I'd do whatever it took to defeat the demons. I swore that I'd give my life if I had to. "

Inosuke shook his head violently, but Zenitsu seemed more understanding. " Then. . don't do it without us, okay? If we go down, then we go down together. "

Inosuke began nodding instead, and I smiled gently. " Sounds good to me. "

Zenitsu and Inosuke hugged me tight, then they suddenly got heavier. They fell asleep, I realized quickly. Relaxing my body, I laid back and shut my eyes. I felt Nezuko crawl closer and lay on my chest. Smiling to myself, I fell asleep, content with being near some of the people I held closest.


shorter chapter, sorry- just had to put something out while I map out the rest.

Word Count; 800.

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