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Tanjirou's POV;

I took in deep breaths through my nose as I wandered down a path through a forest, Inosuke at my side.

As promised, I'd taken him alone on the next mission I'd had to go on. He'd chattered and boasted the entire way, but now he was quiet, glancing up and down along the path.

Strangely enough, there was an underlying anxious scent coming off of him. I rested hand on his shoulder to comfort him, but kept focusing on my current task.

Inosuke edged closer to me, until he was pressing against my side. I didn't blame him; there was an unsettling chill in the air, and it was too quiet for a forest. Beneath that, the stench of rotten corpses and the iron tang of blood sat heavily in the air, and it made me cough.

Inosuke took off his mask and looked at me. I could smell his anxiety shift into concern. The rotten smells in the air suddenly strengthened, nearly knocking me off my feet. It made me dizzy. Inosuke grabbed me and held me tight.

" You're shaking. " He whispered in my ear. A chill ran down my spine as I tensed my muscles, slowing my breathing in an attempt to stop shaking. Demon stench hit me in the face as I looked behind Inosuke.

I suppose my face paled or something, because Inosuke glanced behind him. Almost immediately, he let me go and hurried to stand next to me.

My blood ran cold as I looked up at the demon. He was tall. Really tall. He had silver-blonde hair and rainbow-colored eyes. A red and black turtleneck covered his upper half, matched with loose beige pants. I looked into his eyes and read the words written there, panic flaring through my veins.

Uppermoon Two!.. I thought. I leaned towards Inosuke and whispered, " He's Uppermoon Two. Be careful. "

Inosuke nodded and drew his katanas, but stood still as a rock. I took a few slow, deep breaths, taking control of my body.

" Uppermoon Two. " I addressed the demon. " What are you doing here? "

He stared calmly at me. When he spoke, his voice was sickeningly cheery, despite the malicious scent he had about him. " None of your concern, little Slayer! All you need to know is that this is my territory. "

His voice dropped slightly at the end. My stomach turned. The last thing I needed was to upset this demon. He could easily kill me and Inosuke.

Inosuke stepped backwards, and his anxious scent swamped me. I felt a pang of sympathy for my companion; I myself was terrified, so I knew how he felt.

" Well.. " I spoke slowly, cautiously. " I need to.. er.. " I paused. Uppermoon Two blinked sweetly at me. I felt like I was going to vomit.

I took a breath and collected my thoughts. Squaring my shoulders, I assumed a bold posture and a voice noted with some sort of authority.  " I got a report of a demon around here, and I need to do my job. "

The demon let out a chuckle. I narrowed my eyes and swallowed back indignation. He isn't taking me seriously.

" How cute of you to think you, a child, can defeat an Uppermoon. But I invite you to try! " The demon chirped. I met his gaze and gripped my katana harder. " Tell me your name, demon. " I demanded.

" Douma. " His creepy grin grew. I stilled my nerves and pressed my thumb against my tsuba, ready to draw my katana.

Douma stared at me a moment longer before his gaze traveled to Inosuke. His eyes narrowed and his grin dropped as he stared. " I recognize you.. " Douma murmured.

Inosuke flipped Douma off and leaped into the air. Douma's expression grew indignant, but I could tell it was false. His eyes turned to me again, and I followed Inosuke into the air.

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