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Authors POV.

At 8:00 PM
Kim Taehyung stand up from his chair after completing the last file on which he was working for 2 hours as it was a tough file to complete he sigh and smile because he thought that he wouldn't be able to complete it today as he has other works to do as well he went to take his coat and went out from his office and went to yeona cabin which was infront of his office he was about to enter when yeona came out

Taehyung POV.

She opend the door and it hit my head she look at me shocked and I put my hand on my forehead and she keep saying "I'm sorry I didnt know you were here " i just look at her and keep my hand down in my pocket and said

" it's alright yeona .... let's go" she look at me confused her eyes were swollen as she cried a lot today and I hate it that she cried

" where?"

" it's time to go home "

" I know but.."

" dont worry I'm not going to take you to my home but I will one day when we will be married " I said and winked at her she blushed and pinch my arm with her small hands making me laugh at her behaviour I put my hand on her hand and was about to go when she take her hand out from my grip making me frown

" its office and there are employees too"

" but there are not too much left let's go " I said and about to take her hand when she glare at me with her big eyes making me shook my head and sigh

" Alright MS.YEONA if that's what you want " I said and she nodded her head and went to elevator and I followed her behind

" yeona are you alright now..?" I said once the elevator start moving

She look at me and then at floor and said

" I think I'm now thanks to you ..." she said and smile at me making my heart beat faster than usual and I was shocked at myself that her little smile has this much effect on me

" well it good that you're fine now and you know what " I said and turn to her and she looked at me waiting for me to finish whatever I was saying I take a step towards her and she take astep behind her back hit the wall as she was already near the wall I want to her and held her chin making her to look at me

" you can come to me anytime you want when you're feeling down I'll always be there for you " I patted her head and went back to my place she sigh and I laugh looking at her condition

Elevator door open and we went outside we both went to my car when jimin shout loudly

" yeona" and we both leave eachothers hands we were holding when we came out of elevator and yeona pushed me and she went to jimin making me shocked

" y-yes jimin " she said when jimin came to her I went to both of them

" come yeona I'll drop you today your oppa told me to " she looked at me and then at jimin .... jimin take her hand and was about to go when I held her other hand and said

" jiminah we have some business left to do at Jung corporation we were going there I'll drop her at home safely " jimin look at yeona and nodded his head and said

" alright but yeona make sure to tell your brother to not scold me then Alright?"

He said and yeona nodded her head and he went to his car and we both went to my car

Authors POV.

They both went from there to drop yeona at her house but the thing which they didnt notice was someone was watching them from the moment they held hands and came out of elevator and it was none other than Minho he smirk and said

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