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"jimin ah I don't think she will come look the party is going to start soon" said taehyung looking at him worriedly jimin was looking sad too jungkook was there too but ava wasn't cuz her leg wasn't healed fully

"hyung dont worry she will come and if not then we will go to her remember?" said jungkook looking at both of them and smile a little

"besides I think yeona will understand us we all have different misunderstanding at the same time" jungkook encouraged them they nodded and went out of there house to the hotel where the party is being held

Everyone is inside the hotel enjoying the party but the speech didn't start yet because yeona was the person who make it and now because yeona didnt came so neena and Hailey are arranging everything but still it didn't happened like how yeona did because she know how everything is arrange she did it many time


"oppaplease let me go just once"

"yeona you're not going there anymore don't make it hard for me I can't see you like this again never and I already told him that you resigned"

Just from the moment when yeona wakeup she keep begging to his brother to let her go to the party last time because she is the one who know when and where what happened there she just want to fullfill her duty till the end that's what her father taught her

She was still weak because of what happened last night and this morning she has fever too

She keep telling him to let her go last time and in the end yoongi being the yoongi he is agree just because of his sister whom he never said no but decided to go with her and take her back as soon as her work or speech finished

"alright I'll let you go but then you will never go there again and I'm going with you so get ready we are already late" she nodded her head and went upstairs

As she was getting ready she was feeling so nervous she tried her best to not remember what happened and to distract her mind she decided to call her friends in group just when she was about to call them her smile faded when she remember what she was about to do

"oh I forgot now i don't have anyone whom I can call anytime i want because I'm selfish" she smile sadly and went downstairs with a heavy heart

They both went to the hotel as they were already late all the reporters were inside yeona hugged yoongi arm and they both went inside

They both went to the hotel as they were already late all the reporters were inside yeona hugged yoongi arm and they both went inside

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As they enter inside all the camera flash on them as they were MIN COPORETION CEO everybody know them

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As they enter inside all the camera flash on them as they were MIN COPORETION CEO everybody know them

Jimin taehyung and jungkook were not understanding why all of them went to the door until they saw them both coming with a little smile on there faces

Yeona condition wasn't good at that time she was smilingly but Inside she was nervous her friends are there she made eye contact with them and taehyung but immediately broke she went toward Mr. Jung and greet him after sometime they sat on table with Mr. Jung neena and other staff and company manager it was the time for speech yeona told yoongi she has to go to invite him for speech and the they can go HOME he nodded and she went from there while yoongi was talking with some business partners

yeona went toward Kim taehyung who was busy talking with Mr. Choi who want to deal with us beside him was jimin and jungkook was at the food stall

Yeona went there and said

"HI MR. CHOI HI MR. KIM AND MR. PARK " She said with a little smile and they turned towards her Mr Choi greeted her back but they both did not greet her as they don't know what to speak at that time they just nodded their head with a small smile

"Mr. Kim its time for the speech everyone wants to know what you have to say I've prepared everything" he nodded his head and look at her deeply but she broke the contact when she remember what happened last night and sent from there while he followed her and he gave the speech then yeona did the speech too as she was the longest time worker and also she was his secretary but who know its her last day

After the speech everyone started to enjoy the party yeona make sure that everything is perfect she was going toward her brother when Kim taehyung came to her she look at him and went to other direction but he came behind her she tried to went toward her brother but he stopped her and held her arm and said

"yeona can we talk for just 2min I need to clear something " she didn't turn but tried to take her hand from him he didn't let her so she turn back look at him with cold eyes and said

"I don't know what you are talking about Mr. Kim please leave my hand I have done everything which I was supposed to do here and I want to go home so please excuse me" he didn't leave her

"yeona -" before he could said anything a girl came toward him and start to flirting with him he didn't leave her hand and that girl was irritating him but he can't said anything to make her mad cuz she is the biggest company ceo of korea
Which they are working with recently

Yeona laugh a little and said

"enjoy your night Mr. Kim with another one" she yanked her hand away and the thing which hurt her most was he didn't came behind her now she went towards bathroom and cried her heart out remembering she has no friends no love anymore she cried

all the time she Was trying to hold in let it out now her brother was looking for her when she came out her head was feeling so heavy she started to breath heavily the only picture inside her mind was Kim taehyung laying in bed on top of Kim nabi naked and jimin yelling at her and ava stopped her from coming towards her jungkook talking coldly with her and leaving her at the door she held her head and came out from bathroom hardly just when she was about to reach her tablewhere her brother was trying to find her and calling her she fell and went unconscious

Hearing a loud thud yoongi turn around and witness the thing he never want to his hear broke 9nce again seeing his doll lying lufeslly looking so pale as ever he run towards her and held her in his arm patted her face and told her to wakeup but she didn't jimin and jungkook was there too looking so worried taehyung was on the call jimin turn around and see him talking on the phone he went to him when he saw taehyung was going outside he stopped him and said

"where are you going look what happened to yeona?"

"I've to go" he said coldly making jimin frown

"what?" ask jimin disbelieve what he heard

"I've something important to do right now"

"but yeona-

" she has many people right here I need to go "and he run from there in a hurry making jimin frown yoongi took yeona in his arm and jimin take a car and jungkook made yeona lay in car and they all drive to hospital

On the other hand

Kim taehyung was driving crazily he finally found what he want to so desperately from last night he went toward the sent location

He Park the car and run inside before taking his gun loaded it and run inside a dark place

He open the door with a loud thud making everyone flinch

"who a-are you and w-why im here"

Speak a girl who was tied with a chair looking so pale with many guard around her with their guns

"I'M YOUR DEATH KIM NABI" he smirk before tracing the gun on her face

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