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Yoongi ran to yeona room not believing what he just heard he open the door and tried his best to find her even in the bathroom he was sweating a lot he was scared because this was his worst nightmare he ran downstairs in his sleeping suit didn't even bother to change he ran to front door but Ava was in the kitchen to drink water saw him and ask

" Mr.yoongi where are you going at this time is everything ok?"he turned back to her he was looking cold but inside only he knows how scared he was

" yeona car crashed... someone called going" he was breathing heavily Ava went to him and said

" I'll go with you "

" no-" she cut him and said

" she needs us we need to hurry " he nodded and went to his car and she sat beside him this is the first time he listen to her they both sat and he drove at full speed to the place where accident happens and Ava called ambulance on their way

They both reach there and when yoongi saw yeona in a car he remember his father all those incident came infront of him he was scared for the first time once again he saw how lifeless she was looking when they put her in ambulance he tremble and about to fall on his knees when ava held him tightly he look at her coldly but his eyes were filled with tears he look at ava and said pointing toward ambulance car

" A-Ava y-yeona ...h-how w-hen I tried my best to p-protect her then how " he broke down for the first time infront of anyone except taehyung and jimin

" umm mr.yoongi I know it's hard but you need to be strong ... yeona is strong hm she will survive... for sure hm?" He look at her as tears escape from his and her eyes

" how? When She is scared of these things? She-she is scared ...of injection.... she must be very scared at the time of accident and I wasn't even there for her how bad of a brother I'm " he cried loudly and sat on his knees put his palm on his eyes and cried his heart out

Ava can't see him like this because yeona must be sad to know his brother cried for the first time he bend to his level and hugged him but being scared but he didn't said anything cuz he need it

" I'll tell y-yeona that you cried " she said while crying he look up at her sniffing

" she will be sad then is that what u want?" He look at her for sometime and then shook his head as no

" then don't cry I know you have been pretending to be strong for so long but yeona needs you right now let's go they already went to hospital hm ?"

He nodded and Ava wipe his tears and said

" be strong Mr.yoongi she can survive and she will hm?" He just looked at her she wiped her own tears and help him to stand he went toward his car driving but she stop him

" Mr.yoongi you shouldn't drive like this your mind is on yeona only I know so sit on passenger seat... please ?" He just nodded and went to passenger seat he was looking lifeless

She start driving but time to time look at him because it was the first time she saw the cold man like this how broken he must have been that he can't control anymore

Thought Ava and she cried too but quickly wipe her tears

They both reached to hospital and he ran inside without waiting for her she ran behind him they both went toward her room but didn't let them in cuz her treatment isn't finished yet they both sat there for 2 hours and Ava told jimin and told him to not come now he should come in morning and take care of Mrs.min

Ava went to cafeteria and bought something to eat for them but he didn't want to eat but still she convinced him by taking yeona name they just finished eating when doctor came out and said

MY COLD BOSSWhere stories live. Discover now