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"YOU MISS MISTAKE ?" they both shocked but ari was professional enough to take his order forgetting past things and all at that time

"Mr.Panda what would u like to order?" She said smiling taping on screen to proceed the order

" yahh stop this panda thing I don't like that you miss mistake" ari was about to speak but stop when saw her boss glaring at her to why she isnt taking his order

" Mr.panda let's talk about it later can I please take your order" she forced a smile to which he said

" no you cant because you're calling me in a way I dont like you're not professional enough so I would like to complain where's your manager?" He said looking around as if searching for manager but her eyes widen hearing that

"Y-yahhh" she said a little loudly

" yahhh?" He repeat acting as if he is so shocked

" I dont think its apporpriate for you to call your customer like yahhh right?"

She smile nervously and said sorry

"Yahhh" he said a little loudly to which she widen her eyes

" yahh" she whisper " u want me to be fired?I request you please order and go "

He smirk and shook his head and said " yah where's the manager?" He said loudly the manager was already eyeing her he came

" what happend sir?" Ari was nervous as well and told him to not say anything by Gestures standing behind the manager

" this girl" he pointed to ari she sighed and close her eyes for scolding

" is your best employee can u give her to me I need to talk manager about these things right" he laughs as if it was normal thing without knowing ari was so anxious about her job

" what?" Manager was confuse as well

" just kidding man your this employee is the best dont lose her ever my advice "

"Mr.jeon dont worry you said and I do " he smile and went before saying ... give him good service he is our cafe main person

Jungkook always come here with his friends 3 of em and also gave some money to him when he was in trouble because the manager is known to him

"What can I get you mr.jeon?" She was serious

" you" he whisper and left before sayin " and my everyday drink but 4 of them "

"Dumb did I took his order before huh how can I gave myself should I sit on serving tray and went to him by crawling?" She thought and laugh to her own thinking and went to ask manager his usual order


"Thanks Mr.cheol for believing yeona and doing this for us when you were there relatives" said taehyung and yeona smile looking at him

" I was shocked when yeona told me you could've disscus it with me I know they are my relatives but they themselves killed there HAPPINESS their parents so I think this killing thing should come to an end and it did I'm glad"

" Alright then we should go it's late already almost midnight we will talk tommorow-" he was speaking when yeona cut him and went to Mr.cheol

" Mr.cheol can u postpone your meeting from tommorow to next day ? Actually my husband thinks he is a robot who dont even need to charge his body so I would like to do that so he will not come tommorow can u postpone your meeting?" Yeona held his hand and look at him with doe eyes Mr.cheol laugh

"Yeah yeah u have the advantage of having a wife man "he said looking at taehyung who scratch his neck while smiling nervously

"I'll be off then "said Mr.cheol and went away while yeona turn to taehyung and went pass by him towards the car by saying

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