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"Say you could pick any superhero to be your dad. Who would you choose?" Cory asked.

"Batman, no question," Ellis said. "Live in a cool cave, borrow the Batmobile."

Shawn nodded. "He lets Robin hang out with him and he's not even his real kid, he's his ward."

"How do you get to be a ward?"

"Batman?" Cory shook his head. "Is he faster than a speeding bullet? I don't think so. Is he more powerful than a locomotive? Uh-huh."

"Gentlemen,Gentlemen," Tony cuts in. "Why argue when we already know the real answer it's obviously the flash, I mean you would inherit his superspeed! You could go anyway in seconds and not get caught"

They all agreed nodding their heads at the thought

"I would make a very cool ward." Ellis mentioned

"I'd like to have Superman for a dad," Cory insisted.

"Hey, at least your dad is willing to go to your events and stuff." Tony told him as his eyes hardened

Shawn looked at his brother with a sympathetic smile as he knew that their dads in and out appearances effected him more.

Shawn began to play with his bracelet he had that matched with Tony and quickly decided to change the topic "Hey, look— there's Minkus." Shawn pulled out his water gun and shot the boy in the back of the head.

"Ow," the boy said without bothering to look up.

"Whoa!" Cory gasped as he looked at the water gun. "The 2000-X Hydro Saturator."

"Yeah me and Tony both got one, Tony show em yours" Shawn said as other examined his

Tony's face brightened a bit distracting him from his thoughts as he brought out his Water gun from his bag. It had bright colours mixed with dark ones that looked marbled together and the best things was it shot long range

Several others stared in awe at the sight

"Careful. If Feeny sees these babies on school grounds, he'll snag it and I'll have to sit out on the water wars."

Ellis pulled out his own water gun."Gentlemen, meet the Hydro-Sat 3000. Blow your head clean off." The three boys exclaimed excitedly over it. "I know a guy," Ellis boasted smugly. He shot Minkus in the back of the head as well.

"You really shouldn't do that," the boy said as he closed his book and stood.

"Why? You gonna melt?" Shawn taunted.

"No," Minkus said simply as he pulled out a case that held a much larger gun. "I'll retaliate. So go ahead, make. me. wet."

Tony's eyes widened at the weapon that dwarfed his and his friends'. "Yeah whatever Minkus." Shawn snarled

"Ah, who needs one of those?" Cory asked obliviously. "For your information, a well-placed water balloon can give you as much splash for your cash." He stood and walked over to the water fountain to fill up his balloon. "Like everyone's gonna have a humongous water gun." He turned and his eyes widened at the sight of everyone's guns trained on him.

"How ya doin'?" he asked nervously. Water sprayed out of every nozzle, thoroughly soaking him. "Ah! Stop! Stop! I'll get one! I promise!" he cried as he tried to use his hands to block the sprays.

Mr. Feeny came in seconds later and not a single weapon was in sight. He walked over to the water fountain and took a sip. As he straightened, he said sternly, "Mr. Matthews, the water fountain is not a toy."

That Saturday, Tony joined his brother and the rest of their friends for the water wars, he brought thw gun he and Topanga always used just incase she decided to come over. It wasn't the most impressive but it was something Tony would never give away. They converged on the Matthew's backyard. "Water war time, Cory!" Shawn called.

"WAR!" Minkus yelled, running in his yellow rain suit and holding his gun aloft.

"War brings out the beast in Minkus," Shawn explained.

"He could be a good asset" Said Tony giving minkus a little punch in the shoulder.

"You kids and your water wars," Cory said easily. "I'd love to join you but I'm having way too much fun here." He said pointing to the fence he was painting

"You're bailing on the war?"

"To paint a fence?"

"You say paint a fence, I say par-tay. And by the way, even if you wanted to, I wouldn't cut you in on this action."

"Why not? I thought we were friends," Shawn said sounding betrayed

"Shawn are you honestly that dumb, he's tryna get us to do the work for him" Tony spat in disgust looking ashamed at his friend


"At least Tony knows what Corys trying to do" Minkus said, pleased.

"What?" Shawn asked again.

"He's tryna use us," Tony simplified for his clueless twin.

"That's not true!" Cory insisted. "Guys, who're you gonna listen to? Me or a Hunter?"

"Hey!" The exclamation came from Shawn as he continued: "I'm also a Hunter which means you also offended me plus me and him come in a package deal!." He spoke placing his arm around Tony and pulling him into his side

"You tried Shawn." Tony said with a little smile

Shawn crossed his arm proud

Cory sighed. "Look, I have seven dollars left from buying my Hydro-Sat and it's yours if you help me paint the fence."

The three boys huddled it over to negotiate

Thirty seconds later they came up with the conclusion

"I say we hold out 'til lunch," Minkus said.

They'd been painting the fence for some time and Tony was getting very bored very quickly. It was annoying to have to bend over and reach each strip of green paint and he sighed nearly every time. He could be in a water war right now but instead Cory needed help. again.

"What flavor did you bring us?" Shawn asked as Cory came out with the requested desert.

"Vanilla. They're vanilla with chocolate on the outside like they've been for a thousand years!" Cory exclaimed, annoyed.

"I really prefer a Heath Bar Crunch," Minkus said as he unwrapped his ice cream.

"Ya do?" He grabbed the boy's desert and shoved it in the potted plant next to him. "Here you go, Minkus. Crunch on this."

"Is it just me or is he copping an attitude?"

"I'm beginning to feel unwelcome here."

"Water war?" Ellis asked.

"Water war," To y agreed, not liking Cory's attitude .

"Hey, come on!" the boy called after them. "I paid you! I brought you sandwiches! I got you ice cream!"

"Yeah, so?"

"So I'm gonna sue you!"

"Have your lawyer call our mom!" Tony said then he squirted Cory in the face everyone laughing behind him

Tony left with the others and when they arrived at their destination he saw Topanga there and he immediately went over to her handing her there childhood gun

"He's whipped" Shawn said shaking his head

"Yeah we'll wait for him to figure that out" Ellis spoke

Cory  ended up making it around an hour later as they all teamed up to try and win the water war

In Tony's books today had been a success

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