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Cory joined his both Shawn and Tony. "He's a teacher, man. Keep ragging on him and he'll make your whole sixth grade miserable," Shawn said, having seen his exchange with Feeny.

"I'm gonna be miserable anyhow. At least I'm taking him with me." Corey responded with a shrug

"Oh hey Topanga" Tony said to her with a smile. They had both previously been best friends but drifted apart as time went on. However if Tony ever saw Topanga he would always say hello

"Hi Tony" she said with a smile

Nicholas arrived and saw the Tony staring at Topanga he rolled his eyes.

He didn't know why his friend who ever girl had a crush on was talking to that freak

"So, how late did you stay up last night?" Nicholas asked as he spoke for the first time.

"Monologue." Tony started removing his gaze from Topangas table and back to his own

"Monologue, First Guess." Shawn continued

"Monologue, First Guess, Bad Sketch." Nicholas added

"Monologue, First Guess, Bad Sketch, Funny Zoo Animal," Cory said.

"Monologue, First Guess, Bad Sketch, Funny Zoo Animal." Tony paused "Steve Lawrence."

"Woah, Steve Lawrence?" Nicholas gasped

"Hey! You never told me you were staying up!" Shawn said looking betrayed

"Hate the game, not the player my friend" Tony said patting his brothers shoulder

The boys then began to talk about several other things while Tony was almost falling asleep after staying up late at night

"And there's the bell" Tony muttered
"Four hours 'til lunch," Cory commented with a sigh.


"She's dead, Mr. Bornihay," Mr. Feeny said as he motioned to the girl laying on his desk. "Pick up the knife and kill yourself."

"Come on, Mr. Feeny," Nicholas said. "You and I both know she's not really dead. May I please stab her a few times just to make sure?"

She rose from the desk and grabbed the knife. "Hey— you touch me with that knife, you better kill me the first time."

"Mr. Feeny. . ."

"Alright, alright."

Tony was asleep completely forgetting about the lesson while his two best friends were listening to the ball game. Tony wasn't as fond of Baseball as the other two. However, what he did really enjoy was basketball so he never really listened to the games.

It didn't take long for Mr. Feeny figure out what was going on as he made his way to the back. "What's this, Mr. Matthews?"

"Huh? Huh? What did you say, Mr. Feeny? You took my hearing aid!" He said signalling with his hands that he couldn't hear anything

The teacher raised the earpiece to listen. "Smoltz delivers, Dalton swings, oh he got a piece of that one! It's a long drive deep to the center. Otis Nixon, back, back to the warning track, climbs up the wall and—" He shut off the device, earning groans from the students.

"What, huh why are we groaning" Tony asked quickly lifting his head to see what the commotion was about

"You know what Tony I can't deal with your sleep schedule today" Mr Feeny said shaking his head disappointed

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