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Tony managed the answer most of the question on Feenys test however when he turned to look at his twin brother he looked completely confused while biting his pencil. Cory was probably the worst.The few times he'd glanced over to check in on him, he'd been asleep.

"Alright class, time's up," Mr. Feeny announced as he came around to collect the papers. "Please pass your tests to the front of the rows." Once they'd followed the directions their teacher picked them up. "Mr. Minkus, the test didn't require an essay but how refreshing you've chosen to include one."

"Suck up," she heard Shawn mutter frustrated.

"Future plumber," came Minkus' reply.

Their teacher weighed their papers in his hand. "Feels a C-minus short." He noticed Cory's sleeping position. "Ah, yes. Here we are."

Tony managed to kick Corys chair to wake him up however Mr Feeny pulled his test out from under him. "Huh? What? Is the test over? How'd I do?"

"Looks like an A."

"I got an A?"

"No, A is the answer you put down before you slipped into your coma."

"So what did I get?" he asked.

"Well, you answered one question out of forty and got it wrong, so what grade do you think I'm going to give you?"

"Can it be found at the beginning of 'fajita?'" Cory asked.

"Si señor."

"C'mon Mr. Feeny," he pleaded. "I was up 'till after midnight."

"Oh? And what earth-shattering event kept you up till that time of night?"

"A no-hitter," he explained proudly.

"You got to stay up and watch the game?" Shawn and Tony asked in sync, impressed.

"With my dad."

'I wish our dad could've done that with us' thought Tony as he started playing with his wrist band again

"Ah, baseball," Mr. Feeny said. "Silly me. Here I thought you might've stayed up for something frivolous, like the announcement from Stockholm of the Nobel Prizes."

"Biophysics: Dr. Ira Soochek," Minkus said promptly. "Medicine: Dr. Lin Yi Pao. Economics: Professor Narwhal Foab. And I'm fresh as a daisy."

"Teacher's pet."

"Fix a sink."

"Hey Tony how do you always get good grades, you literally revise when I do?" Shawn asked as he picked up a random stick from the floor swinging it like a sword
"I also revise with Topanga like 3 times a week" He answered unconsciously smiling as he mentioned the name Topanga

He scoffed. "Yeah no thanks. I have a life."

The boy beside him. "You should, Shaw. You're selling yourself short, y'know."

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Why should I mum said I would turn out like dad anyway"

"You're better than that piece of shit okay, if you want something you go get it." Tony countered.

Shawn sent him a small smile. He was truly grateful for his brother because he honestly didn't know where he would be without him

"Come on let's go" Tony told him as they've ventured off back to their house


In conclusion, some products we use everyday can cause algae to grow in lakes," one of the girls said while she dumped something into a beaker.

"Cutting off oxygen and disrupting the ecosystem,"  the other girl added as she dropped a fish inside.

"So what we've learned is that we must choose biodegradable products to help protect our environment," they finished, and pulled out the now-skeletal fish.

"Excellent report," Mr. Feeny congratulated them. "Inspired visuals. Next team."

Cory, Shawn and Tony stood, high fiving. Mr Feeny looked perplexed as to why the three of them stood up when it's supposed to be a group of two.

Shawn started the presentation by pulling down the map.

"How air pollution affects our everyday life," Tony said.

"Excellent topic."

"Why thank you sir" Tony responded

Topanga chuckled quietly at Tony's comments and as soon as he saw her his eyes lit up. Shawn grabbed the pointer stick, that Cory had thrown to each one of them, hitting a random place on the map. "Denver. High atop the majestic Rocky Mountains. Elevation 5,000 feet."

Tony did the same, causing Mr. Feeny to move his to the correct place as he said, "Philadelphia: lying low in the Delaware basin. 250 feet above sea level."

"Well researched."

Shawn's pointer hit the map which Tony moved to point at Denver. "Denver. Clean, crisp mountain air."

Cory copied him. "Philadelphia. Polluted industrial smog."

The pointer hit again. "Mile High Stadium, home of the Colorado Rockies."

Another hit which was followed by: "Veterans Stadium, home of the Philadelphia Phillies."

"Oh, here we go," Mr. Feeny sighed.

The three boys leaned over the teacher's desk. "The Rockies— a bogus expansion team mind you— are averaging four more runs per game than anyone else in their league because of their cleaner air."

"Our theory is that if Philadelphia were to clean up its smoggy air the ball would slice through at a greater velocity." Said Tony

"Therefore, the Phillies would score more runs." Added Shawn

"And win every home game."

The three stood and dropped their pointers. "The end."

"So, how'd you like our report?" Cory asked.


"Stinks!" Cory said to Shawn. "How'd you like my half?"

"No idiot he meant our entire project" Tony told him swatting his head

"Relax, Mr. Matthews. I blame myself," Mr. Feeny told him.

"You do? Cool." Shawn responded unbothered

"That was quite the presentation Anthony. Very entertaining." Topanga expressed

He shot her a bright smile and chose to ignore her laugh at the end.


I might just skip all the way the season
Three where the love really is in the air.

But I'm still going to like a summary of what happens in the rest of s1 s2

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