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I was cold. It was the first thought I had as I woke up. I open my eyes to find I'm on a lounger on the back terrace. The sky was gray saying that dawn was close. I was sure I was going to be yelled at for disappearing. Swinging my legs off I stand. Only slightly achy this morning. I hurry in and up the backstairs. No one was up yet thankfully. A quick thorough shower in my attached bathroom. I saw the little spots in my briefs reminding me of what had happened. I threw them away so no one would ask why I'd been bleeding. Pajamas, and I crawled into bed to get a little more sleep.

It was a slap to my ass that woke me. After the previous night it had me giving a yell as I jerked awake. I was not surprised that it was Ellie.

"Eleanor, why do you have to do that?"

"I only do it when you've been bad. Like last night. You just disappeared. We couldn't find you anywhere. Finally we went to bed figuring you were asleep tucked hiding somewhere. I was up a couple times through the night, you weren't back here. So where were you? When did you get in bed?"

"I got in bed just before dawn. You were right, I'd fallen asleep in the garden. When I woke I came up here to bed. Dad told me he wasn't going to get me up till after lunch because of how hard the party was going to be. So I get to sleep some more. Please go away."

"No. I'm not an idiot I can smell that tux. It's aired out and the dew has helped to dampen the smell. But I can smell cum and blood. Since jacking yourself doesn't cause blood, and you having sex might, I want to know who it was. It was a party to find you a husband, not for one of them to sink his hooks in and beat everyone to the punch." That made me angry but I knew better then to try to argue with her.

"It's none of your business." Is all I say before burying my head under my pillow. To my shock I hear her turn and leave my room. I had expected another slap to the butt and more questions. With a sigh I push it from my mind and go back to sleep.

When I wake I put on fresh clothes and head down to get something to eat. Alice, a fellow omega was making some desserts. She held out an icing covered spoon to me.

"Sleep okay?" She asks.

"Good enough. Where's everyone at?"

"Your dad gave everyone the day off so they could rest."

"Then why are you here?"

"I was bored so I decided to spoil everyone with some fancy sweets. Want some cake for lunch?"

"No thanks. I'm hoping that some of those mini Reuben sandwiches are still around."

"Yeah. In the fridge." I collect a half dozen on a plate and head back for my room. I'm stretched out on my bed eating my snack and watching one of my favorite TV shows when my dad steps into my room.

"Hi." Is all I say. Was I going to get in trouble for disappearing? Had Ellie told him what she'd smelled on me?

"How did you sleep?"


"Where did you disappear too last night?"

"To the garden. I just wanted some space but I fell asleep."

"Alright. Do you remember what I wanted you to do today?"

"Go through the list from last night and mark which ones I liked. You'll get together with them so I can go visit and see if I fall head over heels for someone. I doubt it." He pulls a folded list from his inner pocket of his jacket.

"Take your time with this. I have a short list of guests from last night who were already asking about being your mate. If you mark one of them I'll add them to the top of the visit list. The list has their names, ages, race, as well as my evaluation of them. Take some time and go through this thoroughly. This decision is literally about your entire future."

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