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"Sean, Michael. If you don't leave your sister alone I'm taking that game system dad bought you back to the store." Both boys immediately stopped and walked off since their fun had ended. Josie hurried in from the living room now that she wasn't squealing in protest.

"Papa, why do they have to pick on me?"

"Because they are brothers. Nearly all brothers pick on their siblings. Have you seen your daddy?"

"He was in the nursery. I saw him when I ran past from my room. Want me to get him?"

"No, I'll go get him, you can take the opportunity to escape outside away from your brothers."

"Thank you." She shoots out the back door. She was the one who would go to the big oak and crawl up in it. Going up to the second floor I go down to the nursery that was beside Oliver and I's bedroom. Sure enough he had the play mat on the floor and our year old twins down and showing them the new play board. It was all about moving things like latches, zippers, things like that. Their coordination wasn't so great for doing the fine motor things but they knew what to do.

"Alright, that's my girl. I knew you could do it." Sean and Michael were twelve, our first and oldest. Two lions. Josie was a basilisk like me, ten years old, and the next in order. She had a little sister Annie, a lioness, who was three years younger then her. We'd thought four was good. Then we'd had these two on an oops. Two more girls, one basilisk and one lioness. Then three months ago I'd gotten sick, took a test and found out that our oops' weren't done. According to the doctor these were one boy and one girl. Obviously we were a very fertile couple and prone to twins. Oliver loved to be rough and tumble with his boys but his girls could do no wrong in his eyes. I felt sorry for anyone who wanted to date our daughters.

"Are they doing it or are you helping?" I ask. His head comes and he grins.

"Daddies always get to help their princess'."

"These two ready for their naps?"

"I think so. Carrie was rubbing her eyes and Julie is just sitting there pretty much. They've got fresh diapers so it's good timing." He gathers one in each arm and stands to tuck them in the crib. Twins were kept together until they learned to cooperate to get out. So far these two, unlike their big brothers, were perfectly happy to be in the crib. I go over to help tuck them in. The little floppy bunnies he'd bought when they were born went right on their bellies for them. His arm circles around my back holding me close as we looked at our daughters. I get a kiss and then he bends to kiss my large belly twice.

"Feeling okay? You were really tired this morning."

"I'm okay. I took a nap while they were having playtime this morning. You were busy in your office. Thankfully the boys watched these two so I could sleep. They might act like delinquents at times but they really are good boys. Just so you know, given these two make eight, condoms do not work, and surgery for me is not a good idea if we really want to cut off the pipeline you need to read that brochure I left on your desk on getting a vasectomy."

"Forget it. I chucked it. I will retire and be a house keeper and nanny for all twenty kids. It works for me just fine. You like it too don't try to fool me. Despite the morning sickness you love being pregnant."

"I can't deny it. I do. By this point I think I know as much about birth as any doctor in any class. By the way, your sons were tormenting Josie again. I had to threaten to take the game system away for them to stop. I know they are alpha's I'm proud of them but they are preteen they need to start learning that teasing is one thing, tormenting is something else. Once they have teen after their age I'm going to start revoking privileges right off the bat."

"I'll talk to them. Did you do okay getting up the stairs? I know you've been worried about it."

"I did fine going up and I knew I'd have you for the trip down. While the girls nap, before we start dinner I get my lap cuddling. Then the gremlins can have you back." It had started with that very first pregnancy. He'd let me sit on his lap. While I got cuddles and to relax. He got to have early time with the babies. He'd sing, hum, rub my belly, even read to my stomach. It was adorable and I loved it.

Once settled I tip my head back to see him better.

"You know, in all the years we've been married, mated, and generally been together. You never have told me what your favorite spot is. Just tease me saying you have to have some secrets. Ever going to tell me?" He gave my cheek a caress.

"Quin, my sweet boy, haven't you figured it out? My favorite place is right beside you. Became my favorite the night I invaded your favorite spot."

"I love you Oliver."

"I love you too baby."

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