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It took a few days to get our schedule rearranged but by the weekend we were on the plane headed to him. He and his pride were in the midwest. This time of year it was getting cold enough you needed jackets. I was thankful of that because it meant he couldn't see the stomach I had developed. My twins, they were active anytime I was. Thankfully they didn't keep me awake at night but they did insist on getting up early. Oliver was sending some vehicles to come get us but wasn't coming himself.

"You need to stop that." My dad says to me as we head for the pride house.

"Stop what."

"Biting your nails. You mother always did that. I thought you'd stopped."

"Well this is a stressful thing. I'll stop biting my nails if you have food in your pocket."

"Sorry, my sandwiches are in my other pants." He says rolling his eyes.

"I wish Ellie was here."

"I'm not good enough?" Dad asks. He was teasing but I also saw he wondered if it was partly true.

"You are great dad but it's not your shirt tail I want to hide behind."

"It'll be fine." I hoped so. The pride house we drove up in front of would make a rock star green with envy. I knew that dad said they were very well off because of very old money and wise investments. I'd not gotten the old money snob from him. They'd told us when they picked us up that this first night would be just Alpha and those that lived in the house. Tomorrow was a party for everyone to meet me. I hoped to god he was happy to see me, and happy to be a father. Going inside there was no one around. Dad and I, along with the guards dad insisted followed me around, sat in the living room and waited. I was starting to think he was avoiding coming out when I hear hurrying steps and he steps in the room, wide smile. Suit that had the tie undone and first few buttons on his shirt undone. I was thinking he didn't like ties and button ups.

"Looks like I finally get to show you my favorite spot now." He slowly heads for me. "It had been killing me to wait to see you. When your dad called and asked if we could move up the visit I was thrilled. I'm sure the pride thought I was crazy the way I jumped in and started cleaning everywhere so this place would shine for you. It's old as dirt but still in good condition."

"It's beautiful." He holds out his hands and I take them so I could stand. I was on my feet then into his arms in a heart beat. My knees went liquid as he gave me a deep kiss. I moaned and held tight to him. He pulled up and I saw him frowning. Oh god, had he felt it? He made sure I was on my feet then unzipped and spread my coat. I had expected shock and questions. Asking why I'd waited, why I hadn't called him immediately. If I was alright, they were alright, everything but the response I got. He stepped back, his face went dark.

"Excuse me." He turns and starts to leave. I didn't know what he was thinking but that look hadn't been good.

"Wait, Oliver." I hurry after him as he goes to his office, to a small bar and pours a tall glass of scotch. "Is everything okay?"

"You're pregnant?"

"Yes. I know it's a surprise and I've worried about what you'd say and do but I was anxious to get to you."

"Hoping to hurry the visits and get back to whoever their father is? Thank you for the visit. You are welcome to stay but I think my original plan to offer to make you my mate will be rethought."

"What? But Oliver, you don't understand. You're the father." He turned eyes of anger and hurt to me.

"Nice try but I used a condom. I don't know who the father is but if you were hoping to get me to step in for a some deadbeat you can forget it."

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