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It was several hours later that I woke. I was still buried in the bed on the plane. Looks like I finally got what I needed to feel rested. Uncurling I stretch out making the blankets fall to the floor. I let my tail recede. I wasn't sure where anyone was. Standing I head for the closet and to get out whatever I could find for fresh clothes. The mirror hanging on the back of the door showed me, I had my fathers eyes, dark brown, but the rest was just like my mother. I always thought I was too feminine. As I'm looking at myself I notice that my scar over my left hip, from falling out of a tree, it was faded enough that unless you knew it was there you didn't see it. I'm looking at it thinking of how mad Ellie had been at me to risk serious hurt like I had, when I notice how much weight I've gained. Turning to the side I try to suck it in.

"It's all the big meals while they try to wow me. I need to eat smaller meals." I'm pushing on it trying to see my thin self when I realize how hard it is. Rubbing both hands over my stomach I frown and look carefully down at myself. I press here and there but it was very firm. A little thought sneaks in and starts to bloom in my mind. While I carefully trace the hardness I think of the man I was waiting to find. Was it possible... the thought was hard to really form but I had too, was it possible that I was pregnant. The only trouble I'd been having was being overly tired. I hadn't noticed any tightness in my clothes but then, I always bought larger and wore a belt so I was comfortable. I'd never pay attention to where I notched my belt. Oh god. Was it really possible. My mind flashed to the handsome face that looked at me with wonder. We'd made love and he held me in his arms. It had been so passionate but I'd felt so cared for. I'd fallen asleep right there in his arms. That wonderful time had produced something I would be able to hold in my arms. My next thought was, what if he'd gotten what he wanted? What if he changed his mind about me being his mate? What if being pregnant was more then he wanted to be dumped into. Before I could disappear into the what if's and worry the door to the bedroom swung open. I dive into the bed, pulling my robe together. All I needed was someone to see me and start asking questions. It was my father that stood in the doorway.

"You are up. Good. We arrived early so I told them to let you sleep. But our hosts just arrived to pick us up."

"Okay. Uh, is my bag available, I need fresh clothes."

"I'll send someone in with it."

When I got my bag, clothes went flying as I dug through them for an outfit that would hide or at least detract from the bulge I was starting. I needed to find a way to get a pregnancy test to know for sure. Maybe I was stress eating and gaining weight. Yeah I couldn't convince my self that was even possible. Finally I got out a pair of my loose slacks, and my overlarge sweater. If I was lucky they'd just think I was a bum. Once repacked I head out. I reminded myself that this was a hyena pack. The man I was visiting here was actually the brother of their female alpha. He was strong and smart, but it was the streak of desire to help anyone who asks that I really liked. I was welcomed with spirit. I was distracted from my brand new realization by JJ who was full of happiness that was infectious.

I had to admit that if I thought I could care for him and wasn't pregnant I'd definitely be happy here. Two nights into my visit I'm searching the bathroom for some dental floss because mine ran out when I find a stash of pregnancy tests in the back of a cupboard.

"Yes. Now I can find out if I'm crazy or if I'm really pregnant." I read the instructions, pee and wait. "Okay finish nightly routine while I wait. Deep breaths no matter what it says it'll be fine." I'm just finishing up and ready to get in bed when I hear the timer on my phone go off. Going back in I take a breath and pick up the test. Surprise went through me then the question of why was I surprised. I had already thought I was pregnant.

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