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Filler chapter so it's pretty short!

Enjoy my loves!


"I swear to god if you don't take this, you won't get any sex for a month." Natasha threatens as she perches next to you on her mattress, and you scoff slightly as you roll your eyes behind closed lids. Her bottom ass would never last a month, and you knew she was well aware of that.

"Y/n, come on," Natasha whines and throws her head back. "Your fever is over a hundred and two and I'm worried." 

You sigh deeply as you sit up and take the medicine from her, placing it onto your tongue before swallowing it down with a large gulp of water. You then give her a pointed look as you lay back down, and Natasha rolls her eyes as she sets the bottle of water back down onto the nightstand.

"Thank you," she grumbles almost petulantly as she climbs into bed next to you, and your lips quirk up into a small smile when she automatically curls against your side. You lazily throw your arm around her and let out a small sigh.

Sick or not, she just couldn't get enough of you.


The next day you find yourself in work. You still weren't a hundred percent, but you'd been slacking in the job department lately and despite the fact your boss was your girlfriend, she still expected you turn up and put in the same amount of effort as any other employee.

As of right now, you were currently going through the pile of paperwork that had been steadily building up for the past few weeks. Natasha was in her office doing who knows what, and countless times you've had to resist the urge to make up an excuse to knock on her door because you missed her.

With a sigh, you begrudgingly bring your attention away from her office and back down to your paperwork. It was only ten minutes later your office phone rings, and without looking away, you reach for it and bring it to your ear.

"Y/ln." You greet.

"Come to my office." Was all you hear before the line goes dead, and you couldn't help but grin as you set the phone down and rise to your feet. You slip back into your blazer before heading towards her office, your fist not even hitting the wood before you hear the familiar, come in.

"Hi." You greet with a smile as you close the door behind you, and Natasha looks away from her computer.

"How'd you feel about a little vacation?" Was her greeting back, and you furrow your eyebrows as you take a seat opposite her.

"A vacation?" You tilt your head to the side.

Natasha nods as she distractedly rifles through some paperwork, pulling out a two sheets before handing them over to you. You take them, eyes flickering over the information. "Mhh. I have a business meeting in London tomorrow, and I fly out tonight. I know it's short notice, but the trip is a week long and to be quite honest, I don't want to be away from you for that long. It would drive me insane." She grins almost bashfully, and you couldn't help but mimic it as you look up at her.

"A vacation sounds great." You easily concede, and the smile were met with in response has your stomach filling with butterflies.

"Yeah?" She speaks, and you nod again, the grin not fading from your face. "Great! I'll book the tickets now. You wanna head home early and pack?"

You raise an eyebrow in surprise, but nod your head as you rise to your feet. "Sure. Give me your bank details so I can transfer my share of the money over." You weren't about to let her pay for two tickets that you were sure would cost more than your entire paycheque. No matter how well of she was.

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