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"Oh my god," Natasha mutters as she digs her face into into your neck, her hands tightly fisting the material of your coat at the small of your back. It was day two of your London trip, and after a morning full of meetings -of which were boring as heck, you and Natasha were out doing the touristy thing and exploring.

You'd seen the Big Ben, went to several museums and you were now halfway through your ride on the London eye. Natasha had failed to inform you of her fear of heights until it was too late, so instead of the relaxing, peaceful journey you'd hoped for, you were instead stuck standing dead centre with an extra one hundred and eighteen pounds attached to you. It would be almost comical if she wasn't holding on so tightly you swear you fear you were losing the blood circulation to the lower half of your body.

"It's not that bad you know," you attempt to coax her out of her hiding space by softly running your hand up and down her back, but she stubbornly remains hidden. With a quiet sigh, you place a kiss to her head and wait patiently until the ride was over. 

Thankfully, ten minutes later; you were back on solid ground, and as Natasha exits the glass dome quicker the you could blink, you trail behind trying to subtly shake off the pins and needles in your legs.

Making your way over to where she'd stopped to wait, you take her and give it a soft squeeze.

"Where to now?" You ask.

Natasha lets out a quiet sigh as she begins to walk again, gently pulling you behind her. "Back to the hotel?" She asks, her thumb absentmindedly trailing over the back of your hand, and you smile softly as you nod your head.

Just like you'd suspected, Natasha had barely, if at all, slept last night. Every time you'd roused to change position or to use the bathroom, she was either on her phone, or laptop. It was expected considering she'd slept the ten hour flight over here, but that didn't make you feel any less bad for her now because you knew she must be exhausted.

"Room service?" You question, and Natasha nods her head. "Okay." You murmur, letting go of her hand and throwing an arm over her shoulder instead. Natasha instinctively leans into your touch, wrapping an arm around your waist. You walk back to the hotel in a comfortable silence, exchanging only smiles and soft squeezes in place of conversation.

As you make it to your floor and kick off your shoes, you couldn't help but admit how nice it is to feel so comfortable and safe with someone that talking wasn't necessary. As you shrug off your coat, you both see and hear Natasha collapsing onto the bed with a loud groan. Both her shoes and coat were still on, and you roll your eyes playfully before making your way over to her.

"You'll be much more comfortable without the shoes on my love." You murmur as you brush away the hair that had fallen in her face, tucking the strands behind her ear.

"I know but I'm exhausted." she whines, not even bothering to open her eyes. You playfully slap her rear end -earning yourself yet another whine before tugging off her sneakers. Her coat was a little trickier due to the fact the zip was trapped between her body and the mattress, but eventually, after working up a little bit of a sweat, you had her more or less ready for bed.

She was clad in nothing more than underwear and and a T-shirt, and as you tug up the blankets to cover her, you knew for a fact she'd regret going to sleep so early. It meant that she'd be up before midnight and would spend the rest of the night awake, meaning the cycle would be repeated tomorrow.

With a small smile, you tenderly brush the backs of your fingers over her cheek before grabbing your iPad from your suitcase and climbing into bed next to her.

Time to kill a few hours until she was awake again.


Much to your absolute delight, Natasha doesn't wake up until around six the next morning. You'd waited up until ten just in case, eyes bleary and drooping but she hadn't stirred once meaning you were ultimately able to get a full night sleep.

You sigh deeply as you watch Natasha roll onto her back and bring her hands up to rub at her eyes, a quiet whimper escaping her lips as she stretches with her arms above her head. She then lets them fall to her sides before turning her head to face you.

"Hi," she greets as the corners of her lips quirk up into a smile, her voice raspy.

You smile, "Hi you. You slept for a long time." You note, holding out your arm to gesture her close.

She shuffles into your arms and throws a leg over your hips, her head tucked beneath your chin and hand clinging to the material of your shirt, "I said I was tired," she murmurs with a shrug, and you chuckle softly as you press a tender kiss to the top of her head.

"You did," you agree as you pull away, slipping your hand beneath her shirt and tracing your fingers over the soft skin of her back, "what are our plans for the day?"

You feel her sigh, her warm breath hitting your neck wracking your body with a pleasant shiver. "Let's just stay in bed, alll day." She mumbles, and you raise your eyebrows in surprise as you continue with the gentle ministrations up and down her back.

Only Natasha would want to stay in bed whilst on vacation.

"We need food," you tell her as you prop yourself up on your elbow, "we didn't eat dinner last night because you fell asleep."

Natasha nods as she begrudgingly forces herself to sit up, "You start the water in the shower whilst I order food, and it should be here by time we're out."

You nod your head, watching as she reaches for the phone before sliding out of bed and making your way into the bathroom. You reach behind the glass door and pull the lever forward, checking the temperature of the water before stepping back and beginning to pull of your clothes. When you're left in nothing but your birthday suit, Natasha slips into the room naked as the day she came into this world.

Her hair was a mess, curls askew and sticking out at all angles. Her eyes were bleary from just waking up, and when she meets your eyes and gives you a cute grin, you couldn't help but grab her hand and all but yank her into your arms. Although a quiet yelp of surprise escapes her lips, she easily falls into your embrace and wraps her arms tightly around your waist.

"I love you," you murmur into her hair, attempting to comb the messy tresses back with your hand.

Natasha leans her head back and stares up at you with a look of adoration on her features, "I love you more." She murmurs as she puckers her lips, and you immediately shake your head in disagreement as you lean down to place a gentle peck to them.

"Not possible." You retort as she pulls away, and Natasha grins as she hooks a leg around your waist prompting you to lift her up. You comply, hooking an arm beneath her bare ass to keep her supported.

"Very possibly actually." She grins as she stares down at you, cupping your cheeks and trialing the pads of her thumbs over the soft skin, and you roll your eyes as you begrudgingly allow her to win.

"What's this? You're letting me win?" She teases with a smug grin as you carefully step into the shower, and you stare up at her with a playful smirk before bringing the palm of your hand down to make contact to her ass.

She yelps, legs instinctively tightening around your waist, and you send her her own smug smile as you ease her back to her feet. If you carried on like this, you'd never get out of the shower, and you were really freaking hungry.

"You suck," she grumbles as she grabs the body wash, and you wrap an arm around her shoulder and place an apologetic kiss the side of her head. She looks up at you with a pout, and you gently kiss it away, the action earning yourself yet another cute grin.

This was the life.


This is so short I'm so sorry 😭 but I hope you enjoyed anyway!

Don't forget to comment and vote telling me what you think! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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