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Taron Egerton was a poor boy in the early 1900s and lived in a foster home with lots of other children. They were fed horrible food, didn't have much clothes, had to do lots of chores and didn't have any sympathy from the owners. He dreamt of running away and beginning a brand new life. He was the oldest one there and therefore had to do the most work and was shouted at and neglected. Due to all the abuse the other children there believed it was normal but he knew it wasn't.

Richard Madden on the other hand was the hier to the throne. He was well known and rich and had the opposite of Taron. However due to his popularity he was often bullied and put under pressure all the time and dreamt of running away and beginning a different life. On top of being bullied his father didn't care about him and only used him for keeping his family name.

One night after Taron had cleaned the house and washed everyone's clothes, he sat down for dinner. He stared at the bowl of sludge as it bubbled and splat on his face. He took a spoonful and put it in his mouth trying to ignore the taste. He felt hairs wrapping round his teeth but was used to it by now. He took a bite and felt something hard. He spat the food out and saw a shattered tooth. He gagged and ran outside to throw up. The homeowner screamed "THATS EVERYONES DISHES YOURE DOING TONIGHT". He was about to shout back when he threw up again. He was being laughed at by everyone until one person rubbed his back and asked if he was ok. He looked up. "Oh I'm ok now" he says. "Woah woah, you're the prince of London, how come you're here?!" Taron exclaims. "Shhhh!" Richard shouts back. He looks both ways. "Follow me" he says grabbing his hand.

He takes him to a shop. "Here." He says handing him bread. "Have some proper food" he says. "Thanks" Taron says eating it. "Why are you helping me?" He asks. "I just, you know want to do something useful once for my life" Richard replies. "What do you mean?" Taron asks back. "Well, I'm the hier to the throne soon and to be honest I'm not really looking forward to it" Richard says. "What?! You'll be rich and have everything you want" Taron says back. "I know but, I haven't really worked for it and just got it through family and it's unfair to everyone who do work and is still suffering. It just makes me feel bad" Richard says back. "Well hey, Theres nothing you can do so it isn't your fault" Taron pats his back as he leaves.

Taron walks back into the house to mess everywhere he knew he'd have to clean up. "Ugh" he moans slamming the door. "GET TO WASHING THE DISHES AND WHEN YOURE DONE YOU CAN CLEAN THE KITCHEN" the women shouts. Taron gets to washing them and looks out the window and sees Richard. He smiles. Richard gestures for him to come out. He looks around and drops the dishes and quickly leaves. "Hey! What are you doing back?" He asks. "I came to say I've found a place to run out of here where hopefully no one sees. Wanna join?" Richard asks excited. "Of course! But what happens if they see us?" Taron asks. "Don't worry they won't!" Richard teases back. "Hmm fine but if I get caught I'll be the talk of the town and disgraced for the rest of my life" Taron replies. "Great let's go!" Richard says as they run off.

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