Hes my friend

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Channing and Richard sneak into a building. "Where are we?" Richard asks. "Sit, I'll explain" Channing says.
When we were ambushed I had to leave you both. I know it sounds horrible and selfish but let me explain" he says out of breath. "Very well but we don't have time we've gotta find Taron" Richard says as he sits down.
"Anyway when we were ambushed I had to leave you two because I've been on the bad side of the royals before and barley escaped with my life" Channing says. "Woah when did that happen?" Richard asks. "Well a few months ago I ran away from home since I was poor and couldn't afford food or clothing and wanted to begin a new life but got caught and when you get caught trying to run off, well you get the death penalty" Channing let's out. "WHAT?! THEYLL KILL TARON" Richard shouts shooting up but was stopped by Channing. "There's nothing we can do.." Channing sighs back. "NO THERE IS. ITS MY FAULT, IM THE ONE WHO PERSUADED HIM TO RUN OFF" Richard shouts back as he shoves Channing out the way and runs out.

Taron wakes up in a dark room. He sniffs and slowly gets up. He feels around his body and seeds the gaping hole in his stomach where he was shot with the arrow. He looks around and sees he's in a dungeon. "Richard? Channing?!" Taron shouts panicking. "They aren't here" a voice says. "Huh? Who's that?" Taron asks confused. "The king. And you abducted my son and will pay the price" he shouts to him. "What?! I didnt do anything!" Taron shouts running to the door. "The execution will proceed tomorrow in front of the village" taron hears. "Execution..?" He panics. "No.." he cries sitting on the damp dirty floor.

Channing and Richard run through the village trying to find Taron. "Has anyone seen a man with ripped clothes on a messy brown hair and a Welsh accent?" Richard asks passer-by's. "It's no use" channing sighs. "We can't just give up!" Richard shouts to him. "But- where else can we look?!" Channing shouts back. "Hang on. My dad came and found us right, and he shot Taron with the arrow. We can ask him!" Richard says in relief. They barge through the crowd in a hurry. "The palace is This way" Richard says as they run.
They get there and Richard slams the door open. "Dad have you seen-" he was about to finish we he sees Taron on the floor with a knife up to him. "Woah woah woah, don't hurt him" Richard panics. "Well Richard i see you've returned and you've brought along another dirty homeless friend. "What is your problem? To see me with a life better than yours somehow make you have the need to kill people? Innocent people?!" Richard screams back. "This man in particular, has ruined my name and reputation and will pay the price" he says back to Richard. "DONT" Richard screams running forward. Taron sees and jumps up to avoid the knife. "TARON" Richard screams in relief. "GET THEM" the king shouts as they all run out.

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