Someone else?

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Richard and Taron ran through the village. "So where are we going?" Taron asks again. "Just through this tunnel and we will be in the woods" Richard shouts back out of breath. They both eventually arrive. "Ok follow me" Richard says as he crawls through a passage. Taron follows behind. Richard is grossed out by the dirt but Taron isn't. "You aren't bothered by the dirt?" Richard asks. "Nope I'm honestly used to dirt and germs now anyway" Taron says back. Richard feels bad and knows he'll make it up to him when they get out.

Richard eventually crawls out. "Finally" he sighs taking a huge breath. "Taron you nearly here?" He asks. Suddenly Richards vision gets blurred as he is forced away. Taron eventually crawls out. "I'm here" he says. "Richard? Where did you go?" Taron asks. He looks around beginning to panic when a bag is forced on his head and he is dragged away.

Richard is panting. "I can't breathe" he says. "Richard?!" Taron shouts. "Taron?! Oh my god you're ok!" He shouts back. "Where are we?!" Richard demands. His bag is ripped off his head. His gelled hair is now messy. Tarons hair doesn't change. "You boys think you can sneak into my turf and play games ay?" The voice asks. "Honestly we had no idea you lived there. We're sorry but did you really need to kidnap us?!" Richard shouts. "Why an earth are you around here anyway. You're dressed so smart and rich and he, is dressed the opposite" he says staring at Taron. "Excuse me? He's my friend!" Richard shouts back. "Wait. You're the prince?!" He suddenly realises. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He says in a panic untying him. "Relax, I hate being the prince anyway" he says back. "Wait why? I'd kill to be as rich and lucky as you!" The person says back. "Well I just think it's so much responsibility and pressure at such a young age when you can be enjoying life and living it" Richard says back. "Besides, my father won't even notice I'm gone" he says back getting up and freeing Taron. "By the way, what's your name?" Taron asks. "Channing, Channing tatum" He says back. "Nice to meet you" Taron says back. "And also Richard, my foster parents for some reason haven't come to look for me yet" he laughs. "Channing what about you? Are yoy running away or just hanging out around here?" Taron asks. "Funny you say I'm also hoping to run off and live my own life" he says back. "Well why don't we all go?" Richard asks. "Sure, I'd love that" Taron replied. "We've just gotta make sure we aren't being followed" Richard says looking. "Ok, coast is clear" he says as they sneak out and run off. However they were unaware who had noticed them.

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