Been found

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Back in the village there was drama. "WHERE IS RICHARD?!" His father shouts storming down all the streets believing he has been abducted. Tarons foster parents weren't panicking but were angry. "I SWEAR WHEN WE FIND HIM HE IS DEAD" they shout bumping into Richards father. "Oh god! I'm sorry" she says. "Hey don't worry about it. You don't happen to have seen my son wandering round here have you?" He asks. "No. I'm also looking for mine" she awkwardly laughs. "Wait, do you think it's possible they-" he was about to finish before being interrupted by his servant. "I FOUND THEM" he shouts showing a picture. It was Taron standing up and Richard laying down on the floor resting unbeknown to them. "DEAR SCOTT, HES GOT MY SON" he shouts. "GET THE CRIMINAL AND BRING ME RICHARD BACK" he demands as his servants leave with bows and arrows. "Don't worry, Taron will get what he deserves" he laughs to his foster mum.

They all carry on walking. Taron hears some bushes rustling but doesn't think anything of it and carries on walking. The bush gets louder. Taron stops and taps Richard. "Hey I think someone's following us?" Taron says to him. "Hang on I'll look" Richard says slowly approaching the bush. Taron and Channing stand behind him. Richard approaches and opens it. "See nothing" Richard says turning around. Suddenly loads of people with arrows jump out. "What the hell?!" Taron says being grabbed by one. "Let me go!" He shouts. "Let him go!" Richard shouts before he is grabbed. "You forget your place, son" a voice says. "Dad?! Oh so now you finally care!" He shouts trying to get out of his grip. "You've made me do This" He says loading his arrow aiming at Tarons chest. "DONT" he shouts. He lets go and Taron is shot in the chest. "YOU SON OF A BITCH" Richard shouts running towards Taron. Channing sees in the distance and runs off. "You made me do This" Richards father says knocking him out.

Richard wakes up on a bed. "Ugh what happened?". He asks. He remembered what had happened. "TARON" he shouts going to leave when there was guards at his door. "Fuck" he whispers knowing he had no way of getting out. He looks around in the room and sees a window. Richard knew it was his only chance of escaping. He quietly opened the window and climbed out. "Where has he taken Taron?" Richard asks in confusion. "I know where" a familiar voice says. It was Channing. "God man you almost gave me a heart attack" Richard tries to joke. "Follow me" Channing says as they sneak off.

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