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Channing runs ahead as Richard and Taron are behind him. "QUICKLY" Channing shouts to them as the guards are gaining on them. They are firing arrows at them aiming for their legs to stop them running. "Avoid the arrows! It's our only hope" Richard says to Taron. Channing stops and sees Taron is in agony from being shot by the arrow in the chest. "I'll take over" he says carrying Taron. "They won't stop!" Richard shouts of out breath. "Quick turn corners they can't follow all of us!" Richard shouts. He turns right and Channing and Taron turn left. The guards follow them two. "No.." Richard says as he hears arrows firing and Taron screaming. "NO" Richard shouts as he sees them being dragged away. Richards father grabs his shoulder. "You've left me no choice!" He shouts knocking Richard out.

Taron and Channing were locked in a dungeon. Channing woke up on the dirty damp floor. "What happened?" He asks rubbing his head. He looks around and sees the hole from being shot by the arrow. "Shit" He sighs looking behind him and seeing Taron. "Holy shit" he shouts helping him up. Taron groans in pain. "You'll be ok" Channing tries to reassure him putting pressure on his wound. "We'll get out of here don't worry" Channing says sighing looking at the door.

Richard wakes up on the same bed. He slowly gets up and remembers what happened. "Fuck!" He shouts running towards the door but it was locked. "God dammit!" He screams. He sits back down when he hears the doorknob turn. His dad entered. Richard turned around instantly. "Listen son" He goes to say before Richard shouts "DONT YOY FUCKING DARE TRY AND MAKE ME SIDE WITH YOU". "I had to protect you, they were using you for the money.. couldn't you see that?" He asks. "The only thing I could see in them is that they were the nicest people I've ever met and actually understand and listen to me" he screams back. "You have an attitude with me?!" He shouts at him. Richard didn't answer. "The prisoners are to be executed Monday morning in front of the whole village" he shouts to his servants getting up. "WHAT NO" Richard shouts before the door is slammed on him. He panics and looks for a way out and notices a window. "Bingo" he says jumping on the bed attempting to open it. He eventually pries it open and jumps out. "Now gotta find the other two" he says running.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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