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Third Person:

Somewhere in Edo-period Japan, a young girl and her brother were sitting in the cold snow. The sister, Ume, was very beautiful with snow-white hair and crystal-blue eyes. On the other hand, her brother was an eyesore with greasy black hair and unnatural eyes. With how skinny he was, he should have been gone now. People passed by them with pitiful looks, but nobody dared to approach them.

"O- Onii-chan, I'm hungry," the younger sibling stated, staring into his eyes.

"I'm sorry Ume. I promise I will find something for us. Until that, don't you want to play I spy?" he asked sorrowfully. His eyes pleaded with those around them, but none of them spared a glance.

A mother walked by with her child. Gyutaro looked at them with envy. They probably have everything they need for a comfortable life and wouldn't care about us. Just then the mother turned to her daughter who was turning away from her.


"Just one minute , Okka-san! I promise I will be back in a moment!" the young girl dressed in an expensive yukata yelled. As she kept on walking, Gyutaro realized that she was coming towards them.

"Probably to make fun of them," He bitterly thought. But she seemed innocent, not the type to make fun of people. Well, looks could be deceptive, couldn't they. As she approached them, she smiled at the two.

"What are your names? I'm (Surname) (Name)!"

He didn't respond. She tried again.

"I'm (Surname) (Name)!"

"You're here to make fun of us, aren't you?" Gyutaro bitterly asked.

"Onii-chan, that's not nice," the pale girl scolded towards her sibling. "I'm Ume, and this is my brother, Gyutaro. I'm 1..2..3..4, and he's 9! What about you?" she sweetly responded, turning towards the girl.

"Oh, I'm 8. I just got some extra soba noodles! Would you like some!"

"Yes! I.. I.. mean no thank you. It's ok," Ume said.

"Please take them," (Name) said.

"If you insist! Arigato!" Gyutaro's sister responded. As she ate the soba noodles, (Name) offered some to him, and he reluctantly accepted. Maybe, just maybe, she wasn't that bad. He wouldn't mind seeing her again.

"I need to go now, my mother wants me. See you later!" she declares, turning around.

"Wait" Gyutaro exclaimed. "Thank you." In response, the girl only smiled before walking off. As Gyutaro saw how happy his sister had become, for the first time in a while, he smiled.

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