Chapter 2: Adorned

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NOTES: (e/c) = eye color

Third Person:

It was the day the (h/c) girl had been waiting for, and everything was ready. She wore a beautiful yukata with her hair fastened into a tight bun. A gorgeous, blue hairpin with a peacock was secured in her hair, making her look like royalty. The young girl adorned with luxury items smiled as she looked at herself one more time; she was ready to go.

"(Name)!" her father said as he knocked on the door."Are you ready?"

"Coming!" the young girl said, walking out. The shrine wasn't far from her home at all, so she didn't have to worry about the outfit getting out of place. She smiled at her mother as they stepped outside. As she gave one last look inside the house, she saw the calendar. On it, the date was shown: her birthday.

—- 1 Hour Later —

The siblings were looking outside their makeshift home, waiting for the (e/c) girl to arrive. She visited every one or two days, but it was the 4th day in a row where she was not here.

"Onii-chan! Do you know where (Name) is?" Ume asked. Gyutaro smiled sadly and shook his head. He knew she would come, after all, (Name) did so much for them. The question was, when?

Just then, the siblings hear a voice in the distance.

"Gyutaro-san! Ume-chan!" the voice called out. They knew that voice, it was their best friend. It was (Name)!

As Gyutaro looked at the elegant figure coming towards them, he looked at his sister & said, "Well Ume, you have your answer."

While the figure was coming closer, the sibling looked out of the small "window" that had no covering. They could clearly see the girl, dressed in beautiful robes. Gyutaro felt a little pull in his heart. Was he sick? Well, they had tried to improve on hygiene and for the most part, they did. Oh well, everybody got sick, but it was never too severe.

"It's my birthday! I'm now 9," (Name) proudly exclaimed.

"Oh wow, I'm going to turn 5 soon," Ume said, excitement visible on her face. She wondered if the (h/c) girl would have a party soon. Maybe all three of them would have a special celebration for their birthdays.

As if she had read Ume's mind, (Name) said, " I'm having a party in a few days." The siblings looked at her. They weren't sure if they were going to be invited.

"Probably not. Everybody there would be well off, with a good life and not caring about the less-fortunate," Gyutaro bitterly thought.

"You two are obviously invited. But first, eat," (Name) told them, putting the basket full of food down. They all sat down on the mats in the small hut. Over time, they were improving the hut, adding mats to the floor, blankets for a bed, and a small shelf filled with precious items that they found out somewhere.

When the siblings were about to offer a seat and food to (Name), she refused.

"I need to go now," she said with a bow. " The celebration is at my house in 3 days, wear something nice, maybe with some adorning accessories!"

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