The Story Continues...

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The day before the Raid...

"Mikeus! How many times do I have to tell you?"

"I'm sorry Boss!" The spectacle wearing Illager replied. "But I just feel I am not suited for this task." He tried not to meet Mason's eye while arguing with him. Instead, his gaze fell to his own feet. Like a gutless child trying to rebel against their parent.

"Regardless," Mason continued, "You are the only one I trust with this." The words held not only honesty, but desperation. This raid needed to go perfectly. It was only by a cruel twist of fate that Mason would not have the privilege of leading it himself.

Upon hearing that truth from Mason, Mikeus finally caved. Accepting his new role as raid captain.

"I want to leave immediately!" Mason growled. "What is taking Stompier so long?"

"He and Crale had already left for patrol when the news arrived," Mikeus explained. "They are only patrolling the immediate area and should return promptly."

"The sooner the better." Mason's statement caused Mikeus to look around frantically. As if expecting his brother and ally to appear from thin air.

"I will not keep the Master waiting longer than I have to," Mason continued. "Once they return, have Stompier move straight onto our caravan so we can leave. The sooner we arrive at Faulty Mine, the better!"


Thank you so much for reading Act 1 of my Minecraft story: Survival in a Strange World. Be sure to vote on the Chapters you enjoyed, share the story with your friends and let me know your thoughts. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

And don't worry! If you want more, you can jump straight into Act 2: Dungeons in a Strange World, or check out my Wattpad Profile for more awesome stories. Happy reading!

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