Chapter 6

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I walk from the kitchen back up stairs to where I'm staying. These rules are a joke, I don't want to stay here a second longer. I open my door and lay down on my bed, sinking into the mattress. I hate to admit but this bed is extremely comfortable, the room is nice but empty.

It has one cupboard full of clothes they are all the right sizes. There is a small wooden desk in the corner, besides from the desk every thing is white. Plain and boring it needs more colour and more furniture but I doubt they would do anything about it.

I walk over to the desk looking to see if there is anything colourful, there are markers in the top draw. So I'm get to work.

I take a large step back from the wall, admiring my work. Art has always been my best talent. I wanted to go to art school for the longest time until I came to the realisation I probably won't be able to make a career out of it. The house made practically raised me with my parents never home she was the one person that never let me down. She was the person that taught me to channel my emotions into my art. She died when I was 16, that was the hardest day of my life.

The lion on the wall is the biggest design I have ever done. My hand is sore and my eyes feel heavy. I just want to sleep, I sit on the end of my bed contaminating if I should leave my room.I slowly walk to my door, I can hear soft breathing behind it. I swing the door open, Liam is standing there he has beautiful blue eyes, eyes I could stare into for hours. His muscles bulge from his shirt, at first glance he looks like your typical bad boy. But if you take a second to look into his eyes you'll see a true beauty behind them.

"What are you doing here" I question, he has such a gorgeous face. Sympathy painted on his face like he wants to apologise for something. "What do you want for dinner" he said in harsh tone his facial expressions changing. I'm pmsing so his harsh voice makes me want to cry like everything at the moment, I get super emotional around my period. My shoulders drop tears threatening to spill "I don't care" I speak softy.

He turns around to leave but right now all I want is to be around someone. I don't want it to be him or the other two but this is really stressful situation and Liam seems the nicest out of the three. "Why are you doing this" I ask. The hot tears welling in my eyes becoming harder to contain. "You will understand one day" I don't believe him, he doesn't even look like he believes it.

He starts walking away and I walk into my room and flop onto my bed. I burst out into tears, I can't do this, I can't be here. I'll never see my friends or my family again I just want my life back. It's only been one day here and I won't stay here a second longer. If I can find something hard enough I could smash the window the jump isn't that big and once I'm outside I'll figure out where to go from there. But I have to do this quickly they have many bodyguards so I also I have to be quiet. I'll do it tonight.

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