Chapter 20

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I rolled over trying to get back to sleep but I couldn't. I woke up in my bed half an hour ago I must have fell asleep downstairs again. I'm hungry I only ate junk when we were watching the movie. I got out of bed and put on one of Ryle's button up shirts I had in my room, only doing one middle button up. I'm slowly open my door and sneak down stairs, I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. I get out some blueberries and jump up into the island and start snacking.

"What are you doing up so late" Kade said earning a small scream from me. "I was hungry, you forgot to feed me" I told him. "You were asleep we didn't want to wake you" Kade said. I had never seen him like this he doesn't look like he has been asleep but he is in sweatpants and a plain black shirt. His arms bulging out of his shirt, they all have the best arms. I extended my arm holding out the blueberries to Kade, he grabbed a couple and out them in his hand.

I finished the container, Kade looked down at his hand full of blueberries and put one in between his fingers. "Open" he told me. I opened my mouth, he put the berry on my tongue. I closed my lips around his finger lightly sucking before letting go. I took a step closer to him looking up at him into his eyes. He sucked in a breath "you should get some sleep" he said before walking away, leaving me alone.

I walk back up the stairs but my legs lead me to Liam's room. I open the door slowly and tip toe inside. He groans "Bree?" He asked. "Yeah it's me can I sleep with you?" I asked him. He sleepily pulled his blanket back not saying anything. I crawled into bed with him, he was laying on his back with one arm out. I cuddled into his side leaning my head on his chest. I slowly drifted off.

The sunlight from the windows wakes me I keep my eyes clothes and reach out for Liam but he isn't there. I open my eyes and look around the room, the door to the bathroom is slightly open. Liam is standing there with a towel hanging loosely around his waist. Water droplets sliding down his abs fuck he can't do this to me so early in the morning. I get out of bed and walk over to him. "Morning sweetheart" he smiled at me. "Morning" I responded. "Ryle is making pancakes you should eat something" Liam said to me.

I walked out of his room letting him get changed and we downstairs into the kitchen where Ryle was serving up a plate of pancakes. "Have a nice sleep gorgeous" Ryle asked. "Yeah I woke up and got some food though in the middle of the night" I yawned. "That's where my blueberries went" he let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry did you want them" I asked him worried he would get mad. "No baby they were for you anyway" he told me.

Kade came into the kitchen grabbing a plate and putting some topping on his pancakes. He was acting weird last night one second his was perfectly nice then the next he was running off somewhere. Ryle placed a plate in front of me and I put about all the toppings on. By the time of I was finished I was absolutely stuffed pancake's always fill me up I can only eat 2 or less. "Thanks Ryle" I said kissing him on the cheek. He smiled at me before I turned away to go get ready for the day.

I walked into my closet and picked out some clothes .I got a slightly off the shoulder sweater and some black tights, I grabbed a halter lacey bralette and put it underneath. I went into the bathroom and put on some light makeup and put my hair into a messy bun. I think I'm just going to have a chill day today. I went back downstairs and saw all the guys talking in the lounge room. I couldn't catch what they were saying but as soon as they saw me they went quiet. "Kade and I are going out for work and Liam will be working from home so you won't see much of us today. But we will make it up to you by a date tonight sound good?" Ryle asked wrapping a arm around me and kissing the side of my head. "Ok I wanted to start watching a new show today anyway" I smiled up at him. He returned the gesture by a soft kiss on my lips.

After ryle and Kade finished getting ready they left. Liam apologised for having to stay in his office all day and said to come in if it was a emergency but he really needed to focus. I settled down on the lounge with a blanket and some snacks and got comfy.

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