Chapter 1- Discovery

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It had been a month since Robin's passing; Regina, Roland, and Henry went to visit Robin's grave. After all, it was November 5th, Robin's birthday.

Regina had a few of Robin's arrows in her right hand, and in her left hand was Roland's small 6-year-old hand. He and Henry had a few flowers. Roland also made a birthday card that said, "Happy Birthday to my #1 Papa."

As they arrived at the gravesite, they discovered that there were broken fragments of grave pieces everywhere. Regina was a little suspicious, but she didn't think too much of it. She was more focused on going to Robin's grave.

They walked up the hill and down the short pathway. As soon as they approached where Robin's grave was supposed to be, Regina gasped...

Robin's grave was gone! They searched everywhere but were not successful. As Regina started to panic even more, there were faint noises, the sound started to get louder and louder.

In a creepy voice, a person called, "Regina."

Regina's eyes flew open.

She thought to herself, that person, I can't place who it was, but they sounded so familiar. Nonetheless, I can't think about this right now, I have to think about today. Today is going to be a hard day.

The thought of her going to Robin's grave today was killing her inside. It made her want to throw up. Regina had to stay calm, she didn't want her boys to see her sick, especially not today. Regina knew if Henry saw her sick, he would want to cancel going to the gravesite and go the next day. She knew that he would want to take care of her.

She got up from her bed. While holding her stomach, she started to walk towards the boys room. When she reached the boys room, she let go of her stomach, Regina had to pretend that she was one hundred percent okay, even though she wasn't. Regina entered the room and started to get the boys up and ready for their day at school.

They were all in the kitchen, Regina couldn't stop thinking about the voice she heard in her dream.

A faint voice got louder, "Mom? Mom?"

Regina turned around, now facing her boys.

"Mom, are you feeling okay? You look pale."

Regina nodded, "Yes of course Henry, I'm fine, now hurry up, the bus is going to be here in five minutes."

The bus pulled up to the front of the lawn; Henry ran out the door with Roland following.

As Roland was running out the door, he turned to Regina, "Bye, mama, I'll see you later." Regina was stunned and didn't know how to react when Roland called her mama, he has never called her that before. Nonetheless, Roland was right, Regina was his mama.

Regina walked back into the kitchen after the boys got on the bus and left. She sat at the island table trying to place how the voice was, suddenly after sitting down for just one minute, the overwhelming sickness from earlier that morning came rushing back. She ran to the bathroom, hugged the toilet, and vomited.

When she cleaned herself up, the best thing she thought she should do was go back to bed for a little while.

Regina was once again at the shattered gravesite.

"Regina..." the creepy voice was back.

A fireball appeared in Regina's hand. "Who are you?! Come out and show yourself!"

A blurry figure appeared right in front of Regina's eyes.

The spine-chilling voice spoke, "You'll find out," then disappeared.

Regina's eyes popped open once again. A shiver went up her spine, she got out of bed and started to get ready to visit Robin's grave.


When Roland and Henry entered the house after school, they dropped off their bags on the kitchen floor. Both of them went up the stairs so they could  get ready to visit Robin's grave.

Henry went to the top of the stairs, "Mom, do you know where my shoes are? I looked everywhere!"

"Check your closet," she replied from downstairs.

In mis-matched socks and his shoes on the wrong feet, Roland ran into the kitchen, "I'm ready mama."

Regina looked at him, her eyes shifted up and down. She gave him a little smile.

"Roland, sweetheart, your socks don't match, can you please get a pair that matches?"

"Okay mama."

A few seconds later, Roland came running back down the stairs.

"Is this better mama?"

"Yes sweetheart." Regina said before going to the bottom of the stairs, "Henry, we have to go before it gets dark."

"I'll be there in a minute, I'll just meet you in the car," Henry exclaimed.

Regina and Henry were quiet in the car, but Roland, who is never quiet, was telling Regina about his day in school.

During the walk on the pathway, Regina was clutching her abdomen while Henry and Roland walked in front of her.

When they arrived at Robin's grave, Regina was relieved that Robin's grave was still intact and nothing was missing.

"Happy Birthday my love, I miss you every day! I just can't believe that it has been an entire month since you left this world," Regina said, looking down at Robin's grave.

Roland started to tug on the bottom Regina's shirt, she looked at him with a concerned expression.

"When is my new sibling going to be here?" Roland asked with a little smile.

"Henry is right here honey," Regina said with a little smile back at Roland.

"No, not Henry, my baby sister," he said, pointing to Regina's stomach.

With foggy eyes, Regina bent down to Roland's level, "Roland, I told you honey, I can't have kids."

He was so innocent and didn't understand the problems Regina faced.

"But how are Henry and I here?" He asked.

Henry chimed in, "Roland, Mom can't have biological kids, I was adopted at 3 weeks old. You know Emma, she is my biological mom."

"What does biological mean?" Roland asked Henry.

"It means a mommy and daddy's DNA is carried by a child," Henry answered.

Roland was now looking at the ground, after he turned to Regina, "Sorry mama, I forgot."

"It's okay honey, it was just a mistake," Regina said.

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