Chapter 2- The Ring

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Regina couldn't stop thinking about what Roland had said. But it couldn't be, it wasn't impossible but it would be a miracle if she was.

"Maybe this was the reason I haven't been feeling good lately," Regina thought as she was getting ready to go into the office.

Regina went over to her taller dresser. She opened her middle drawer full of folded clothes neatly packed together, she was looking for her tights, after all, it was getting colder outside. When she finally found what she was looking for, a small leather box caught her attention, there was a folded piece of paper under it. She lifted up the box, opened it, and found a small ring. Regina took the paper and unfolded it, only to find scribbles and the crossed-out words. Regina stared at his hand writing on the paper, it said:

My dearest Regina,
I have been trying for weeks to come up with the right speech for you my love, my soulmate. I have wanted to marry you for quite some time now, (no, don't say that)

My dearest Regina,
I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you. I want to wake up beside you every morning! I want to watch Henry and Roland grow up with you. To see our family grow. I love you so much! I fell in love with you the moment we met each other in the Enchanted Forest. Even when you weren't open to loving someone, especially a thief. When you saved Roland, I knew I wanted to marry you one day! Will you marry me?

Regina sat on her bed with tears streaming down her face.

"He was going through to propose," she thought.

Someone who was outside the room started to knock on the door.

"Mom, are you okay?" Henry asked while opening Regina's bedroom door just a little bit.

"Yes Henry, I'm fine," she muffled and wiped her tears. "I have to go into the office today with Snow, will you be okay here with Roland?" She said to Henry as she was getting her shoes on, "These damn shoes are so tight."

Henry appeared in front of Regina.

When Regina stood up, Henry hugged her, "Everything is going to be okay mom, I promise," Henry whispered with a slight smile.

Regina looked at him and gave a smile back, "I have to go, or I'm going to be late. Please don't play video games all day, try to get outside, call Emma and ask her to possibly bring you and Roland to the park." Regina insisted.

"Okay mom."

When Regina left, Henry went back upstairs to Regina's room and saw the ring and paper in Regina's hidden under the fluffed pillows. He read it but knew he shouldn't say anything, he didn't want to upset his graving mom. Henry knew that Regina was in so much pain but refused to say anything to anyone about Robin.

Henry knew that his mother was too stubborn to admit she was in a great deal of pain. He understood that Regina wanted to be strong for him and Roland because if Regina started to break like shattered glass, Roland would see this and wouldn't be his happy, joyful, and cheerful self.

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