Chapter 3- News

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Regina walked into her office, she felt a little dizzy and still queasy from yesterday but didn't pay any attention to it.

With her peppy voice, "Morning Regina," Snow exclaimed.

Ten minutes passed by, Regina kept looking at Snow then shot her eyes back down at the paperwork on her desk.



In a soft tone Snow questioned Regina, "How come you keep looking up at me and before I lift my head, you put yours down quick, what's on your mind?" Regina hated when Snow talked to her in a soft tone but right now it was a little reassuring.

"Nothing," Regina replied.

"That's not true Regina, I have known you a very long time, I know when you are lying. You're not very good at it," Snow stated.

"Okay fine, this morning when I was getting ready to come here and I..."

"SNOW!" Charming ran through the door, "This morning when Emma and I were on patrol, we found something you might want to see."

"I'll come too," Regina said while standing up behind her desk.

"No, we just need Snow, we'll call you if we need you," Charming said.

Regina was offended that they didn't need her, but overall she knew that sometimes she was needed and other times they didn't, which didn't mean she wasn't going to hold a grudge against Charming.

When they left, Regina stood up from her desk and walked over to the filing cabinet across the room. As she approached the filing cabinet, she opened the top drawer, and there layed page 23.

She took a deep breath and thought to herself, "Page 23, I forgot I put that in there, it's been so long since I have seen this." She closed the drawer, and walked back to her desk with the page in her hand.

The room started to spin as she got closer and closer to her desk.

Someone's voice grew louder, "Regina, REGINA!"

As Regina opened her eyes, Zelena was standing over her weak body.

"Regina are you alright?" Zelena questioned in a worried voice.

Regina gripped onto the sofa to help get herself up, "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little dizzy," she placed her hand on her head.

"You don't seem fine," Zelena answered back, concerned.

"ZELENA! I'm fine I swear," Regina said angrily .

"Can we at least go to the doctor?" Zelena insisted.

Regina was reluctant, "Fine, but they are going to say I'm fine."

"Okay Queenie," Zelena said while rolling her eyes.

When they got to the hospital, Regina was still feeling dizzy but didn't say anything because she didn't want to prove Zelena right. She was too stubborn to let anyone be right.

Zelena walked away for a minute and called Snow.

"Hi Snow, can you go over to Regina's house and look after Roland and Henry? Regina passed out at the office; we are at the hospital now getting it checked out."

By the time Zelena turned around and walked back to where Regina was, she discovered that Reina was flat on the ground unconscious once again, she was unconscious longer than when she was in her office.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" Zelena yelled.


The next thing Regina knew, she was laying in a hospital bed.

"Glad you are awake Regina," Doctor Wale said while looking at Regina's chart.

"What happened?" Regina asked, concerned, while looking at Zelena.

Zelena was on the phone with Snow again,"Yeah, she passed out again... yes she's fine, she just woke up... can you bring the boys to your house then bring them here tomorrow? Regina has to stay the night and I'm going to stay with her... yes I know... I'll see you tomorrow, bye."

Wale chimed in, "Zelena wouldn't let us draw your blood, which means we have to do it now."

Regina wasn't afraid of anything except for needles. Even though there was an IV in her arm to keep her hydrated, she was unconscious and didn't know what was happening. Now that Regina was awake and conscious, she had to squeeze a ball so Whale could find a vein.

"3,2,1 and done," she thought. "3,2,1".

As Whale went closer with the needle, Regina just looked at Zelena as she squeezed the ball and her eyes closed.

Regina had to stay the night at the hospital so the doctors could monitor her. The next morning, Sunday, Roland and Henry ran into Regina's room, Snow walked in behind them.

Roland had the biggest smile on his face and was ready to jump on top of Regina, Zelena blocked him from the bed and got down to his level, "Roland be careful with Regina, she still might not be feeling good."

"I will," Roland looked at Regina, "How are you feeling Mama?"

Zelena's eyes popped open, went over to Regina and whispered, "Did he just call you mama?"

Regina whispered back, "Yes, he has been calling me that for a few days."

Doctor Wale entered Regina's room once again, "Hello everyone, could you leave so Regina and I could talk in private." Everyone left and it was just Regina and Wale in the room looking at each other. "Regina this may come as a shock to you but the reason you passed out is because you're pregnant."

Regina was shocked, her eyes were wider than ever now, but she also felt a ghost take over her body, "That can't be," she thought. "Is this why I haven't been feeling sick and dizzy lately?"

Wale ordered an ultrasound, an OB walked into the room with it.

"This might be cold," she said as she squirted the gel on Regina's stomach. Regina could hear the baby's heartbeat. She looked up at the screen and saw her baby which looked like a little magic bean.

"You're about 8 weeks pregnant," The OB said.

Although Regina was looking at her little bean, she couldn't believe Roland was right when he asked when his sibling was going to be here.

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