Chapter 4- The Vault

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Months prior to Robin's death, in the beginning of the summer heat, Robin and Regina spent the night together.

"Good morning my love," Robin said walking into the same room where Regina was putting her shoes on.

Regina looked up at Robin and smiled, "Good morning."

Robin stepped closer to Regina and wrapped his hand around her waist as she was standing up. He kissed her cherry lips. He started to walk backward and Regina followed.

"Robin, I have to get to work," Regina said, taking a glance at her watch.

"I miss you already, my love," Robin announced with a smile.

Regina smiled back at him and left her vault, she was running late already.


When Regina walked into her office, Snow was sitting at her desk. Regina quickly walked by Snow and sat at her desk.

"Sooo how was your night with Robin?" Snow questioned, already anticipating Regina's answer.

"What are you talking about? I wasn't with Robin last night," Regina answered back.

"Regina, I saw you both leave Granny's. It wasn't a coincidence that you left then he left a minute later," Snow exclaimed.

Regina rolled her eyes, "Fine, we did spend the night together, and ever since we got back from the Enchanted Forest we didn't have time for each other, but now we do and I love it."

Snow gave Regina a big smile, she too did know what it was like to spend the night with her soulmate after being apart for a long time.

During the rest of the day, paperwork was brutal and extremely boring.

"Alright Regina, it's 5, I have to get Neil ready for bed," Snow stated while picking up her bags.

"Okay, I'll lock up," Regina replied.

"Don't you want to hurry up and see Robin?" Snow said while looking for Regina's reaction.

"Yes, but I'm almost done here then I'll leave. I want to get this done so I don't have more piles of work to do in the morning" Regina pronounced with a small smile.

"Robin, I'm home," Regina said while putting her bags down. Robin walked out of Regina's study with a smile ear to ear.

"How was work, my love?" Robin asked.

Regina looked at him, "Boring as usual, there was so much paperwork to get done."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but my love, when you left this morning, while I was in your vault, I went to the bookshelf and found spells that reverse anything. I brought it here if you want to take a look at it."

Regina looked at him in confusion, she must have looked at her bookshelf a thousand times but there was never a book to reverse any spell. Even though Regina was still confused, she wanted to look anyway, for yet she was still curious. Robin went over to Regina and attached his hand to hers. When Regna entered her study, her eyes gazed at the mysterious book.

"Robin, you found this in the town library?" Regina questioned.

"No my love, I found it in your vault after you left this morning," Robin answered.

Regina sat on the sofa staring at that large book. She opened a random page and it stated: If a person is stuck in a tree. The Queen was amazed as she read the spell. She kept flipping through the pages until certain words caught her eye: Reverse the curse. Regina stared into Robin's soul with pain in her eyes, like the pain she felt when she had drunk the potion in front of her mother so she couldn't have kids anymore.

"My love, are you alright?" Robin said, trying to consult Regina.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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