Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Fine I believe you. Make sure the perimeter is clear I will take care of them myself. I don't want another Under Town incident." I said in a deadly tone as he gulped and nodded. In an instant he was gone in a small shadow, leaving me alone as I sighed. Lately the missions had gotten more deadly I didn't really care but I still didn't want to lose men.

"Tiffany." I said as suddenly a women appeared at my side in completely black clothes. A white demon fox mask covering her face as she remained looking down. Not saying a word as I finally spoke.

"I want you to keep an eye on Jeremy, this is his third mission I don't want him to get hurt." I said as she nodded and was off in a black poof as she teleported away. While I was a heartless creature on the battle ground I still cared about my subordinates.

"Captain you ready?" I heard in my little intercom in my ear.

"Ready start the mission. Tammy keep your original position and kill anyone trying to flee. Fredrick watch the sky and make sure it is clear, I don't want another escape ship incident to happen." I finished as I dropped off my building for 10 stories and teleporting to the ground with a light thud.

"Mission, start." I said as I began my final mission for the day.


I just quietly strolled up to the building as I felt my four team members keeping watch. They knew if they were in there with me I might accidently kill them. So they were in charge of keeping the perimeter safe. But if the mission wasn't so big I would let them be with me, I knew Tiffany could keep up. If you could guess we were a close family of killers, each one almost as deadly as the last. But it was like checks and balances, if one got to powerful the others would quickly catch up and subdue them.

In our little group there was 4 of us excluding me as their leader. I made this team up from the misfits of the Other Worlder army. Each one a misfit because of one reason, such as close combat skills or afraid of blood. But I took them all in under my wing after I got my title of master assassin, they became like children under my wings each their own person. Thalia helped a lot because if she didn't I think I would have strangled one of them by now. Unfortunately she is home right now, so if I snap at one of them they are so getting it.

But they grew close to me over the 9 months we have been together. Each a sister or a brother to one another, that liked to fight with one another constantly. But the love was still there buried deep under layers angry glares and middle fingers. But I guess I should formally introduce them, first was 19 year old Tammy standing 6 foot even. She had cinnamon colored hair and eyes that would send you through a loop. They were baby blue but her iris were in the shape of a heart, it was beautiful to say the least.

Tammy is better at long distance attacks, no she doesn't use a gun instead she uses a black compound bow given to her by Artemis herself. It took a lot of convincing to have Artemis make her the bow. Also they all know what my purpose is right now and they agree so they joined me in my quest to kill all the people in command. So back to Tammy and her bow of pure awesomeness.

Any arrow the bow fired the arrow would not have any effects of gravity on it. So if she shot an arrow up it would just keep going at the speed she shot it at until it reached 15 miles. Then it would disappear or if it hit its target it would disappear after a second. Being the daughter of Ophthalmitis goddess of eyesight has its perks if she uses a bow like that. You see she has better vision than a bald eagle, up to three times better is she focuses on it.

Everything she sees is slowed down as well to her so she can see what it is, but only when she focus on it. Like a person running would seem slow to her if she was aiming at them with her bow. But her bow was by far one of the best in the world, its name Obsession Evolution. Right after the bow the mortals made so long ago back in the 2000's, it even looks like the old one. It shoots 335 feet a second and has magical arrows that appeared after she pulls back the string. It was fit with monster and mortal bolts and with her proficiency with it she was not someone you wanted to face at distance.

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