Chapter 37

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Why have I never heard of this?" Thalia asked as she grinned again. But this time she didn't answer back immediately as she watched her hot husband stand up in the pool as he flipped his hair back and water dripped down his chest. After a second though she finally responded after she quit biting her lip from the scene.

"Because I said us and that didn't refer to you, but were are having the party." She said as Death grinned at Bianca's reactions to his well thought out plan.

"Yay party!" Hannah said as we all chuckled.

"So is dad and uncle coming?" I asked as they both grinned.

"Like the king of the sea would miss a pool party and the kind of the dead miss meeting his daughter, yeah right." Death said as I chuckled as my mom looked a little nervous, contrary to the engagement ring on her finger she still had feelings for my dad. She was a little nervous to see him after such a long time, which happened to be about 3 months.

"Well we better get ready, who knows what will happen tonight." I said with a grin remember our last party.


"Cannonball!" Screamed Tiffany as she ran and jumped into the pool. With a large splash and a large laugh she surfaced as she smiled, but what was funnier was Zain's face as he starred at the short haired beauty. He stared was ended quickly as Death gave him a nudge and a wink as Tiffany climbed out of the pool. With a confused face and a blush she stalked off as I laughed lightly as I sat quietly on the side of the pool.

"5 bucks say Tiffany kisses Zain tonight." I said giving a little nudge to Thalia a she smiled.

"Deal." She said as we watched the cute couple. They tried to play it off but they were so bad at hiding it. From Zain's emotions I could tell he was getting used to his emotions around Tiffany, even if it was slow I could tell he was changing. He looked better even as his once zombie like skin now was a shade lighter with a small tan. Even most of his scars began to heal even, it was like his body was beginning to accept the people around him, no longer was he stuck in a slump forever. He even smiles sometimes but that happens normally when Tiffany is spouting things to him.

"Come on and swim." Said Tiffany as she began to drag the pour boy wearing swim trunks with zombies on them to the side of the pool, his face terror stricken as he looked at the water. All he could do was shake his head violently as Tiffany looked at him confused. Quick a battle of sigh language between the two as Tiffany nodded in the end and quickly sighed something.

"Don't worry I will teach you." She said as she pushed him in and jumped right in, might I say she looks exactly like Thalia did when she was her age. But she had a less tan body and had a darker aura around her, kind of an evil one but then again that can just be the inner Nyx in her. I shuddered at the idea as I watched Tiffany begin to show Zain how to swim in the shallow end as both me and Thalia laughed lightly.

"So how does it feel to be pregnant?" Asked a humorous voice behind us as we turned to see Fredrick with a plate of food for both of us. He was wearing an apron that said 'kiss the cook' and truthfully it fit him perfectly. He kind of reminded me of Chiron but without the horse half and instead a pair of angel wings.

"Great you should try it some time." Thalia said taking the plate as he laughed and turned back to the grill.

"I think I am good." He said laughing again as he handed a plate of food to one of Bianca's oldest sons. I think his name was David but I couldn't remember, he just gave his thanks as she handed another plate he received to the youngest of the 6. Her name was Viola and to be truthful a little brat as she got both Death and Bianca's rebellious side. I could see her turning into heartbreak for many men in her later years. But to Thalia she was nice as could be, but to me and her brothers she was the devil.

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