Chapter 7 The Fiery Twins and Shopping For my Birthday

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(A/N hello my non-existent readers I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I honestly kinda did not know how to continue this so I had to read and watch stuff for ideas so know I made this chapter and also I hope you like this chapter and if someone is bored enough to read this thank you <3)

Alexandrite's POV

I was just laying down at my gigantic bed feeling bored then I got an idea I stood up and walked out of my room then I bumped into a maid.

"I-I'm s-sorry y-young m-miss" she stuttered out scared while bowing "it's fine" I said smiling "can you tell me where the library is?" I asked "o-oh o-okay f-follow m-me" she said still stuttering as she walked to the library as I followed her the best I can.

Then we arrived at the library it had so many books "wow" I thought to myself with amazement

"W-were h-here" the maid said still stuttering while bowing as she ran out of the library before I could thank her.

"So many books wow" I thought my bookworm self showing then I saw a book that caught my attention it had red book cover with gold linings I picked up the book and saw that the title was the fiery twins the most beautiful in the kingdom

So I brought the book with me and found a chair to sit at when I sat down and read the book.

Once upon a time there was a pair of twins a boy named Alessandro and a girl named Alessandra they both had blood red hair and coal black eyes they were the most beautiful in the whole kingdom they were called the fiery crimson twins because of they're crimson red hair and also there fiery personality they were both wanted by both boys and girls of the kngdom.

"Wow they sound cool" I thought as continued reading

But there beauty was also a curse for them people who saw them immediately fell in love with them so much to the point of obsession as every man and woman in the whole kingdom lust and obsess for them that they barely left their house I'm fear of getting assaulted.

"Oh thar sucks" I thought feeling bad for them

But they were also beloved by the gods so the gods taking pity on they're beloved children's predicament gave them 6 men to protect them the names of the men were Aether, Lei, Levi, Callisto, Zuki, and Ziko the men all had unique features that distinguishes them apart from normal humans.

"Wow they're also beloved by the gods" I thought in amazement

As it was stated the men all had unique features which was they're unnatural beauty but the twins were still more beautiful than them and because the gods created them to protect their beloved children they gave them each all very powerful magic attribute Aether had magnetic manipulation, Lei who had air manipulation, Levi who had water control, Callisto who had plant control, Zuki who had light manipulation, Ziko who had Fire manipulation

"Wow they sound so cool and powerful" I thought to myself in amazement

But the Six men fell in love with the twins too and they started a war on each other for the twins love that costed the life of Alessandra in sadness and grief the gods punished the four men with the curse of reincarnation.

"Why did she had to die?" I asked in sadness "and I can't believe I thought the men were cool" I huffed in anger

And in sadness and grief because of losing his beloved twin, and his other half Alessandro committed suicide and in hopes of the twins having the life they deserved the gods gave them both a gift which was-

Reincarnated as a crossdressing villain!?!?!? (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now